Next mission: Asgard.

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I open my eyes to find myself still under the magnificent tree. It's late now. I should probably get back. I stare into the night sky. The stars shining brighter than normally though one stands out. It is glistening a bright blue light which glimmers in the darkness. It's a legend here that whenever someone dies, they will either get reborn into a star or be punished by the gods, if you had sinned.

I shake my head. I can't possibly get sidetracked. I walk through the quiet alleyways of the night. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw someone but they disappeared once I turned to that direction. Must be nothing. The town is a beautiful place at night. Lanterns, lighting up the dark sky. Many beautiful stars, glimpses of past warriors were said to be seen in them, if you look close enough. At night, it isn't windy, like how Mondstat is. Instead, it is maybe humid you could say. It gives off a warm, comforting feeling to it while Mondstat has more of a cool, relaxing atmosphere.

I stop in my steps for a moment. That dream... Was it really a dream? If not then what did Kronnii mean by 'the future has already been decided?' I sigh and keep on walking. I feel a vibration coming from my pocket. I get an odd sensation as I picked up my phone. I held my breath and shifted my head slightly to the left. As I had predicted, I saw a bullet shoot through my right. Luckily, it hadn't hit me. I then duck down to find about three daggers were coming from above. They missed quite much. Whoever this person is they have terrible coordination. I could tell it is an assassination attempt from what I learned during my training with Kronnii and Akane. I grab a hold of my pocket knife and threw it backwards. Knowing from the agonizing scream I heard in the background, I could tell that the assassin got hit. It is a female I could tell. They are definitely new to the whole magical girl virtual reality concept. They most likely thought that if you killed another magical girl you will get out of the simulation. Sadly, that is not the case for this scenario. I honestly wish it were that easy.

I pick up the phone call that had been ringing in the background the entire time.


"Finally you answered. It's me, Akane, and you might have to get ready for your next commission a bit earlier than expected."

"Hm? Why?"

"Well, there have unironically been some odd happenings over in that city. See what is happening there while getting the gods' trust. You'll be like a spy almost."

"I see... Another thing, who exactly is the god of this region?"

It went silent at first as if Akane was hesitant to say who they are.

"There are multiple gods actually, four to be exact. Or... not much gods. I guess you could call them vessels? They aren't actually gods but more like have godly powers. They are the reincarnation of the original rulers of the universe. They were gifted the same abilities and powers of some of the gods." She pauses for a moment. "How do I say this... Our god, Baal, doesn't have a very good reputation with the young rulers. We sort of... go against their entire theme you know! As our city is an independent nation, we prioritize more personal responsibilities while the city of Asgard moreover represents teamwork so they prioritize more selfless responsibilities. Long ago, back when the legendary traveler was still in this universe, there was a war. A terrible war. Many had died. People of a certain nation became.... extinct you could say. Our god thought it was a good idea to split up and fight for ourselves while the gods of Asgard believed that we would succeed if we worked together. They got into such an argument that the past god of the nation of Sumeru, Nahida, had to get involved." She sends me a file stating important information on the city of Asgard and hangs up.

This city sure seems..interesting. Multiple gods? Or no wait, not even gods. Vessels? I shake my head and continue walking.

I stand beneath the entrance to the training grounds as the leaves hang down from above. There are many legends in this universe. Each legend corresponding with their nation. Each region has their own theme you could say. Advent is independence, Mondstat is freedom, Asgard is teamwork, Aurelius is intelligence, just to name a few. My fingers dance across the keypad as I type the password. I then hear the morse code and translate it. The door slides open and I do a backflip through the entrance. About four daggers shot past me as I was doing it. Security in the idol grounds is very hard to get past. It was proven that about 60% of magical girls die because of the security system. You have to be aware of your surroundings if you want to be a magical girl.

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