Chapter 29: 57th Recon Mission Pt. 5

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(3rd pov)

Erwin: Theoretically, when the Colossal Titan breached Trost before disappearing, we can assume whoever was inside had ODM gear. They could've used it to escape before the steam cleared. It's possible the same thing happened here.

Hange: I don't see how sir. Maintaining something that large for a long period will take a lot out of the person. My working theory is that the larger the Titan, the more energy the person inside expends. Both Y/n and the Female Titan appear to be of the 15-meter class, which is around the average size of most Titans on the taller side of the spectrum. They could likely transform more than once due to their smaller size. Add into the equation that when we first found out about Y/n, he was so spent, he couldn't even stand without assistance.

Erwin: The Female Titan's ability to summon reinforcements was unlike anything we've ever seen before. Our failure to anticipate that cost us the expedition. Evidently, there are different mastery levels to this Titan ability. Y/n appears to be on the rookie end while the Female Titan seems to be on the high end, almost like she was trained to specifically fight against us. If we want to defeat this enemy then we must broaden our way of thinking. 


Jean: So if we're heading back then that means the operation was a success, right?

Armin: I hope so. If that's the case, they might've already discovered who the Female Titan is.

Eren: I'd like to see who it is and give them what they deserve for slaughtering our men. Still, though, I have to hand it to the commander. How did he know she'd come after us once we took Y/n beyond the wall?

Armin: During the Trost attack, didn't it strike you as odd how the Titans halted their advance halfway through?

Jean: Yeah, now that you mention it. What was up with that?

Armin: I think that whatever happened to cause that swarm earlier was used in Trost, both to call them there and order them to retreat. They never came for the inner gate, which struck me as odd at the time, but now I think I know why the second attack never came.

Jean: What're you thinking?

Armin: Something must have happened that forced them to reevaluate their plans entirely.

Eren: Something like Y/n's transformation?

Armin: Exactly, and the only way they would've known is if they witnessed it themselves. In other words, we had no idea they were right beside us when it happened. They're wolves in sheep's clothing.

(Y/n pov)

My mind was in shambles as I saw Gunther's corpse slightly swaying from his ODM wires. I felt something violently shove me forward as Oluo's voice rang out.

Oluo: Keep moving! What the hell are you thinking staying still like that?!

Y/n: We cant just leave him here!

Ignoring me completely, Oluo addressed Eld, clearly not knowing how to escape this new crisis.

Oluo: Hey Eld, what's the plan?!

Eld: We keep whoever this is away from Y/n. There's no time to get the horses. Make for HQ at full speed!

The four of us continued to fly through the forest as Gunther's killer closed in.

Oluo: Is that the Female Titan or an accomplice?!

Petra: Whoever it is, they're gonna pay!

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