Chapter 30: 57th Recon Mission Pt. 6

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Levi: What makes you so certain he's alive?

Mikasa: This Titan isn't like the others. It acts with purpose. If she wanted him dead, all she would've had to do was crush him, but she didn't. She needs him for something. She needs her hands to fight, so the most likely conclusion is that she's holding him on her tongue. 

Levi: Have you considered the possibility that she wanted to savor her victory? If that's the case, he's likely been swallowed already.

Mikasa: No, he's alive! And if you'd done your damn job and protected him then we wouldn't be having this conversation!

Levi: Oh I see now. You must be Mikasa, the childhood friend he talked about. You know, he spoke very highly of you.

Mikasa(in mind): He...talked about me? Wait, no, what am I doing? This is no time to be thinking about that. Focus Mikasa, get him back.

Levi: Despite the damage she's caused to our ranks, we still have to capture her.

Mikasa: No way. She's killed too many of our men only to get captured. She's as good as dead.

Levi: So you would refuse an order from Commander Erwin? Is that it?

Mikasa: N-No, I-

Levi: Look, I get it. You and Y/n were close, but you're letting that cloud your mind. Think about this rationally. She's our best chance to learn more about the mystery behind the Armored and Colossal Titan's attacks. Suppose we act on your assumption that Y/n is alive. If nothing else, we should focus on rescuing him and then retreating. I'll handle the cutting, you distract her.

Mikasa(nods): Right.

The two soldiers broke away from each other. Levi flew high so he could get the Female's attention but also so Mikasa could advance unseen. Taking note of Levi, the Female Titan suddenly rebounded and sent a lightning-fast punch his way. The captain responded by acting as a saw blade and carving up her right arm. Utilizing his small frame, Levi ran up her destroyed arm and collided with her face, drawing a massive amount of blood.

He flipped away before the Titan could swat him. Refreshing his blades, he flew in again and carved up her legs, back, and feet. Instinctively, she used her free hand to cover her nape and lean against a tree so they couldn't ambush her. Levi flew every which way and carved more flesh off of the Titan's arms with each pass. Mikasa watched in awe at his speed and precision.

Mikasa(in mind): He's so fast, and his attacks, they're profound and precise.

Levi continued flying and slashing until the Female Titan could no longer hold her arms up to protect herself. The now brutalized arms of the Titan slumped to her side as her face let out some steam. 

Mikasa(in mind): Her nape, it's wide open. It looks like her whole body's gone limp. Now's my chance!

Gripping her swords tightly, Mikasa flew in to slice the Titan's nape. Levi noticed what she was about to do and yelled out.

Levi: DONT DO IT!!!

It was too late. The second Mikasa's ODM hook was embedded into the Titan's shoulder, a flash occurred as the strange transparent substance appeared and completely covered the nape. Before Mikasa could touch it, Levi swooped in and grabbed her. Right as he did so, the Titan's left hand flew up to swat them. Levi felt a sharp pain in his leg and grunted before flying a short distance away, Mikasa in tow. Immediately turning around, Levi shot forward like a bullet and sliced both sides of the Titan's jaw. It fell open and revealed a comatose Y/n encased in what appears to be a thin shell of hardened saliva.

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