Chapter 31: The Battle of Stohess

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(Y/n pov)

I jolted awake to the rumbling sound of a wagon. I turned my head and saw Mikasa sitting next to me with our ODM gear set to the side.

Mikasa: Y/n!

Y/n: Ugh, my head feels like it's about to burst. What happened?

Mikasa: Just take it easy. You need rest after your fight with the Female Titan.

Y/n: Did we capture her?

Mikasa(somber): No, she-she got away from us.

Y/n: And the mission?

Mikasa: It didn't go as planned, but don't worry about that right now.

Y/n: How did I get here? Did you have to save me again?

Mikasa: The Female Titan defeated you before tearing you out of your Titan. The Captain and I barely managed to get you back and he hurt his leg as a result of my recklessness.

Y/n: Dammit! Why cant something go right for once?!

Mikasa: Calm down, please. Don't over-exert yourself.

Y/n: How can you be so calm right now? You didn't see what I saw today. I watched as my entire squad was wiped out in seconds. She killed them all and even after I transformed, I still wasn't strong enough!

Mikasa: You did everything you could.

Y/n: They were like a second family to me...

Mikasa: I'm so sorry.

She reached out and touched my hand as if trying to comfort me. I looked into her grey eyes as tears began falling down my face. I was surprised at myself because it had been so long since I'd shown emotion to someone, I thought I'd forgotten how. By the time we got back, the sun was beginning its descent. As soon as we passed through the gate, the usual slew of insults began their assault. I struggled to move myself up but when I did I saw a couple of kids at the back of the crowd with big smiles on their faces.

Boy: Awesome! Beat but they're still ready to go. You gotta be made of nails to ride with these guys. They're unstoppable.

The boy's sister looked up at him and then at us as we rode by. They reminded me of myself not so long ago.

(3rd pov)

The casualties in the scout regiment's latest excursion were so profound that what little public favor they still held was all but crushed. Within hours of their return, they were called to the capital where their custody of Y/n was summarily revoked. The next day, Annie awoke to the sun bearing down on her face from the window. She sat up with a groan and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Her blond hair hung down with a bad case of bedhead. Quickly taking note of her roommate's absence, Annie rushed to get dressed and cleaned up. She practically sprinted downstairs where the rest of her unit was waiting. Her roommate, a rather lazy MP by the name of Hitch Dreyse, was the first to take note of Annie's arrival.

Hitch: Look who's finally awake. You looked so terrifying, I didn't dare wake you. Though I probably should've.

Marlo: You've been pretty lax in your duties recently.

Hitch: Aww, Marlo look, you've gone and upset her.

Marlo: She's antisocial, not upset. 

Boris: Knock it off, you guys. She fought in Trost before coming here. That makes her the only one of us who's seen any real action. 

The sound of footsteps drew the group's attention away from the banter about Annie as the entire line saluted to the presence of their commanding officer, Dennis.

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