Chapter 32: The Battle of Stohess Pt. 2

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(Y/n pov: Several days earlier)

Levi: What's the holdup? Erwin's never late. They should be here. At this rate, the dame MPs will show up first. 

Y/n: You think they're taking a shit right now? I mean, duty calls right?

Levi: Heh, wouldn't put it past 'em. 

Before we could talk more, the door opened followed by Erwin and a few other people entering the mess hall where Levi and I were waiting for them.

Erwin: Sorry to keep you waiting.

I suddenly noticed the presence of Eren, Mikasa, and Armin along with a couple of other people presumably there to assist the commander.

Y/n: Wait, why are they here?

Erwin: They've all survived confrontations with the Female Titan, so I thought it wise to receive their input on what I'm about to tell you. Thanks to the combined effort of Privates Yeager and Arlert, we've discovered the identity of the Female Titan. She won't slip away this time.

Y/n: You're kidding, right?

Erwin: I'm afraid not.

One of the scouts placed a map on the table before unrolling it. The contents detailed the basic layout of an outlier district but I didn't notice anything particular about it.

Erwin: The day after tomorrow, we'll be passing through Stohess en route to the capital. That's when we'll strike. It will be our first and only chance to do so. Once we set foot in the interior, the government will assume custody of Y/n and the scouts' authority to continue operations will be limited. Unless we wish to concede defeat, we must flush out the enemy now. So here's what we do.

We all watched as he pointed to a specific point on the map. The area had several markings that were all arranged around said point.

Y/n: You're planning an ambush?

Erwin: Precisely. While we're in Stohess, we'll use you as bait to hopefully lure the target into this underground passage. The deeper the better. The primary objective is to get her well beneath street level. She should easily be immobilized even in Titan form. If she transforms before entering the tunnel, she'll be your responsibility Y/n. 

Y/n: How do we know she'll be in Stohess? 

Erwin: Thanks to Arlert, we deduced that she is likely an MP and a fellow trainee of the 104th.

Y/n: Wait, you mean we trained with her? 

Erwin: That is a fair assumption, yes. We don't yet know if she's in cahoots with the Armored or Colossal, but the likelihood of that is high.

Y/n: Who is it?

Erwin: Her name is Annie Leonhart.


The force of Annie's transformation blew all of us back. We'd barely gotten to our feet when a giant hand reached down into the tunnel presumably to grab us. Mikasa grabbed me and Armin before running further down the tunnel with us. 

Armin: Dammit, it was the ring! She must've known I was lying to her from the start. 

Y/n: Focus on what to do next. She probably would've figured it out regardless, so don't dwell on that. 

Armin: Right, first we rendezvous with squad 3. Then we get the hell above ground and fight her in the open.

Y/n: I'm gonna need all the support I can get. I'm counting on you guys.

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