Chapter 33: The Battle of Stohess Pt. 3

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(3rd pov)

Bright light seeped in through the windows of a church as the congregation stood together with their heads bowed and hands clasped together while the pastor led a heartfelt prayer session.

Pastor Nick: Brothers and sisters! Let us pray for the continued strength and protection of our three goddesses. Maria, Rose, and Sina! May they stand firm and shield us from the legions of the Devil, the Titans! Our cries for deliverance have been heard, for the three great saints have rewarded our faith with the walls that protect us so! 

As Nick continued to lead his congregation in worship, he became aware of a distant rumbling sound. Assuming it was merely a wagon going by, he opened his mouth once more. Before the words could be heard, a loud thundering crash boomed throughout the air as an outside force crushed their building. Miraculously, Nick and two of his aides were spared but the same could not be said for his flock. He gasped in horror as he saw the sight laid out before him. Every one of his people had been flattened by the Female Titan.

Nick(in shock): cant be!

A near-deafening roar sounded out as pounding footsteps belonging to Y/n's Titan got louder the closer he got. Annie scrambled to get on her feet and out of the way. She began sprinting toward Wall Sina, much to Nick's horror.

Nick: Not the wall! Stay away, you demon!

Nick was thrown off his feet as Y/n leaped over him in pursuit of Annie. The two Titans ran through Stohess paying no mind to the destruction they were causing. The only thing on Annie's mind at the moment was escape. If she could just get over the wall then maybe she could get in touch with her allies. Unfortunately for her, it would not be that easy. Hange, Armin, Eren, and Jean landed on a rooftop right as Y/n ran by, feral growls leaving his throat.

Hange: Well, I daresay our boy has her on the run this time.

Eren: While true, who's to say it won't end like before?

Jean: Come on. He wouldn't have transformed unless he knew for sure he could take her this time, otherwise he would just be in the way. 

Armin: I know that, but determination by itself is never enough to win a fight. You two should know that. It'll take more than sheer will to beat Annie and unlike before, there are more risks involved. Y/n will have to keep his anger in check to not harm any civilians, though I fear that will only get him so far now.

Instead of answering, Eren and Jean nodded while gazing at the two rampaging Titans in the distance. By now they had reached a portion of level ground. Chasing Annie around a bend, Y/n cornered her next to a small tower. Turning on her heels, Annie dug her fingers into the tower to slow herself down. In the process, she tore part of it away and sent several soldiers flying. Amidst all the smoke, dust, and rubble, the two Titans stared each other down.

(Y/n pov)

I stared at Annie, my fists clenched so hard I felt the bones start to give under the pressure. I was going to stop Annie here or die trying.

Y/n(in mind): Annie, always so cynical. Nothing ever mattered to you or was worth a second look. Every now and then though, you let your guard down, and I saw right through the act. Especially when you showed off your fighting skills. You did all this for something, or perhaps someone. So tell me...WHAT COULD POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN WORTH ALL THIS DEATH AND DESTRUCTION?!

I lunged forward with a roar, putting all my strength into this one attack. Raising her arm, Annie hardened her elbow seconds before my fist made contact with her. The second it did, my hand was shattered. What seemed like gallons of blood and chunks of bone the size of a human body fell to the streets below. With my right hand out of commission for the time being, I would have to fight with my left until it healed. I roared again and attempted to shoulder-check Annie, but she used her agility to dodge away. I looked up and saw her about to slam down with a hardened fist so I crossed my arms in an X shape to minimize the damage. Surprisingly, I got off with only a few gashes and a broken arm, but that didn't stop me. I leaned down and wrapped both arms around her right leg. Using all of my strength, I lifted her Titan form in the air and hurled her into a group of builds the next street over.

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