Mama Steve • Little Dustin, CG Steve (and Eddie!)

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Requested by @JaceODawson
Thank you Jace for the request! <3


Dustin's POV

It started happening in gym class, aka the worst class to exist. The locker rooms were always too hot and stuffy, almost suffocating. Not to mention the jerks all around you that resort to body shaming for their humor. I can't tell you how many times I've been picked on for my weight or just how I look. And it hurts every damn time. And then you're forced to compete with them in some dumb game like dodge ball or flag foot ball. And to top it all off, none of my friends were even in the same class as me. I was all alone in this hell for an hour every day.

Today wasn't any easier. I was already on edge after being pushed around in the locker room. I get out on the field so we can start our stupid soccer game, trying to hide my quivering bottom lip. I bite down on it and it takes everything in me to repress my little headspace. Because of course it had to be now of all times that my body decides to age regress. No. This can't happen. Not in front of these butt holes.

I was so caught up in my head, trying so hard not to slip, I didn't even notice the crowd of towering boys running towards me. The soccer ball flys past me, and a second later I'm being crashed into. I'm pushed onto the hard ground and crushed under one or two other guys.

The fall alone was enough to send me past my breaking point. I couldn't take it anymore. I was already hyperventilating and tearing up by the time they all scrambled off of me. And then they all started yelling at me. I didn't even process what they were saying. I was panicking, and little. I quickly stood and just ran, ignoring the shouts of those jerks and the gym teacher. I was gasping for air and sobbing by the time I made it across the field. I pushed past the school doors with shaky hands and made my way down the hall and ducked into the nearest bathroom.

I paced around the room at first and shook my hands, trying to rid the feeling of panic coursing through me. I slipped even further into my headspace and suddenly felt very lonely. I was all alone in this cold dimly lit bathroom and just wanted Mama Steve. He would know what to do. He could make all this bad stuff go away.

My legs get shaky from the pure panic coursing through me. And then they became wobbly as my mind became fuzzier. I soon fell onto my hands and knees with a whine and sit up against the wall. All I could do then was sob into my arms.

Eddies POV

I whistled a made up tune to myself as I roamed the  empty halls. I had promised myself that 86 was the year I finally make it out of this hell hole, but that didn't mean I was going to let go of my old habit of playing hooky every once in a while. Especially when things got to be too much anyway, and your teacher refuses to understand you when you tell them the lights are just too loud. So hooky it was. I thought about popping outside for a bit. That's when I saw Dustin Henderson practically crashing through the doors from down the hall. I was about to make a joke and shout something like "Henderson, wheres the fire?!". But I quickly noticed the look of distress on him, causing my mischievous grin to drop. I watched as he raced down the hall and into the bathroom.

I contemplated on wether or not I should give him space. Only for a few seconds though. He looked like he needed a friend. Worst comes to worst he tells me to bugger off. So I headed down the path he took and slowly pushed the bathroom door open. I heard him sobbing and it honestly broke my heart. I saw him huddled up against the wall with his knees to his chest and his face hidden in his arms. He froze upon hearing me enter, even holding his breath. His entire body shook as he tried to hold back his cries.

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