Chapter one - The beginning

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Ten years previously - 2014

The Unknown grinned as he walked over to the park swings. Wonka was sitting there, pen in hand and his sketchbook on his lap. He was designing chocolate wrappers again. The Unknown always wondered if he would ever stop. He didn't even know of you could consider it an actual hobby. Willy looked up at the unknown as he came closer. Willy frowned slightly.

"I don't know why you wear that mask. You look good without it." Willy observed.

The Unknown shrugged.
"It helps me remain anonymous. I like that"

Willy laughed, closing his sketchbook and tossing it onto the floor.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say."

The Unknown just smiled and sat on the swing next to Willy. It was a bright Summer's day, July to be precise. The Summer had been bright and warm so far. Willy and the Unknown had spent many of it together; running around Glasgow and causing mischief. But today, they just wanted to relax. It had been a while since they had done that.

"You know... one day I want to open a chocolate factory" Willy said out of the blue.

The Unknown burst out laughing. Willy just looked at him, confused.

"I'm sorry? But... chocolate factories.. really? It's just a bit unrealistic, surely?" The Unknown said, abruptly stopping his loud laugh. Willy just sighed, looking up at the cloudless, light blue sky.

"I don't know. Anything could be possible."

The Unknown just stared at him. Willy's golden locks shone in the sunlight, his maroon jacket crumpled on the floor beside his swing. The Unknown always wondered how Willy could always look so flawless. His light baby blue eyes and his perfect... everything really.

The Unknown felt like Willy was the only person he could really be true with.

Having grown up... difficultly... the Unknown always wore his silver, metal mask. And tended to wear darker clothes. He had long, black, curly hair which was sometimes messy, but always in a spirit free kind of way.

"So... what are you up to tonight?" Willy asked, swinging his legs slightly.

"Nothing really. Why?"

"I met a friend. I'd like you to meet them."

The Unknown wondered who this 'friend' was. Willy was always making friends. And he always ended up ditching them. Reasons like being an ex-convict, or a drug dealer for instance. The Unknown always wondered how the hell Willy managed to find these kind of people. That was one thing about him; he was always ready to accept anyone despite their differences. Until they would stab him in the back.

It was late in the evening by the time Willy and The Unknown managed to find this friend. They had decided to meet up at a local chippy. The Unknown kept his hands in his pockets, and his mask firmly set on his face. Willy was wearing a maroon hoodie and some flared jeans - he was always extra when it came to fashion. They stepped inside, the bright flurescant lighting was painful, and their shoes clicked against the linoleum floor. There was only one person in there other than the man at the desk.

Sitting on the battered table, with red plastic chairs, was a very miserable looking girl. She had messy green hair, a brown and white shirt and large dark eyebags.

The Unknown's first impression was that she was a drug dealer.

"Hey! Oompa! How's it goin'?" Willy beamed, taking a seat opposite her. The Unknown stood in the doorway for a few seconds, before reluctantly finding his way to the table and sitting down next to Willy. Oompa, or whatever her name was, was clutching tightly onto a cup of half-drained lemonade, and was staring into it like a hawk.

The Unknown: a Wonka story (The Unknown And The Glasgow Experience)Where stories live. Discover now