027 🔞

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" If you want to proceed then say green, if you want to slow down or pause say yellow, and if you want me to stop altogether, say red. " San spoke softly.. his fingernail gently grazing Wooyoung's jawline and Wooyoung, believe it or not despite the situation - feels his heart flutter at San asking for consent, and he wants to. He wants San to continue.

Wooyoung takes his time to take in San's look, despite San waiting patiently for Wooyoung's consent it literally looked like San could pounce on him any moment, he was hovering above Wooyoung with his hands holding his upper body up on either side of Wooyoung's head.
San was sweating, almost dripping from how hot he was, and Wooyoung was pretty sure he could see the glimpse of an erection in San's pants but it was hard to see considering their position right now - and unlike earlier Wooyoung finds himself having difficulty looking anywhere but San's eyes.
It felt like they were connecting on a deeper level now. Wooyoung was seeing San at his most violent and scariest state, he'd seen the most vulnerable and now he was seeing the scariest.
He was getting to know.. San, and now.. he wanted San.. no..

He needed San.

" Green. "

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Sex (obviously💀)Cum facialSlight degradingFacefucking/blowjob

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Sex (obviously💀)
Cum facial
Slight degrading

basically, strap in y'all because this gets WILD

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The second that Wooyoung said green. San leaned in and pressed his lips to Wooyoung's in a hot, messy, passionate kiss. Wooyoung's hands made their way around his neck, tugging on the older's neck-hair.
Their tongues invaded each other's mouths and the noises filling the room was erotic and porn-material.

Wooyoung finds out quickly that San is a dirty talker, because San began trailing kisses down Wooyoung's neck while whispering erotic, obscene and unholy words that Wooyoung would take to his grave.

" I'll fuck you so rough you forget your own name. "

" Can Mingi get you this hard? "

" You're Mine. "

San is gonna make him forget about Mingi, he's gonna fuck him so hard Wooyoung forgets Mingi's name, and his entire existence for that matter.
San is gonna use Wooyoung's body for his own pleasure, like a fuck-doll, like an object.
He's gonna bruise him, he's gonna be rough with him. And it's gonna hurt, Wooyoung is gonna be writhing under him. But it will be so worth it, he's gonna take Wooyoung to new levels of highs of pleasure, make him discover undiscovered parts of himself and he's gonna bend them to his will.

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