19| The plan

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I woke up only to see it was still dark outside. I checked the time and it was 3:22 am.

I didn't have anymore water in my cup.


At this point I'd have to go down stairs, which is a bad thing because I was in my most comfortable position all night.

I reluctantly got up and walked my way downstairs when I heard voices.

I hid behind the wall to hear what was happening.

"We need to somehow get to their Head Quarters and take their next shipment." Papá said.

"Yes. That shipment is of all the weapons they'll be using to attack us and drugs which they sell for infinite amounts of money. if we get it, we can be more powerful and have a better chance at defeating them." Pierre said while taking a sip of his coffee.

"However, we can't go. It's very risky if no one is here to control the mafia." Papá brought up.

"We could maybe send Magnus and Amira!" Pierre had a bright idea. "They're both excellent fighters and have been training for so long."

Papa widened his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows. I think he was thinking about the last time I went on a mission... didn't end too well. He soon relaxed and thought a bit. "Maybe.. that's not a bad idea, but we would have to send them undercover and with several guards. It's best we keep them in a decent home and make sure they attend any events the Americans plan." Papá wrote down.

I didn't know how to feel. I just stood there in shock.

I quickly but quietly made my way back upstairs.

I didn't even get my water.

I was shocked.. maybe a bit happy? I haven't been on a mission in so long.

I couldn't sleep anymore. Mainly because I couldn't find a comfortable position and I was genuinely excited.

It was now 3:46am.

I just stayed up, petting Vinnie and going on my phone.

After a bit I just kinda stared up to my ceiling.

Even though I was excited for the mission, there was some things I was unsure of.

I would have to go on a mission, alone with Magnus. He honestly makes me frustrated. He constantly thinks he's better than me and bosses me around.

He try's to put me down and put on this 'cold bad boy act' on. I don't think we'd work very well together. It's him, not me. I would do great and would cooperate, he on the other hand, is a lazy bum!

I ended up dozing off. By the time I woke up, it was 7:13 am.

I headed downstairs to get breakfast. Liam, Pierre, and my dad was even there. And guess who wasn't? Magnus.

"Hey Amira!" Liam said, as his eyes lit up.

"Morning!" I said, taking a seat.

"I know.. Magnus is always late. He'll be down
Soon, he's just busy with something." Liam said shaking his head.

Ha! Busy my ass.. I doubt he's busy. Like I said, lazy bum.

I finished my breakfast and the whole 17 minutes I was there, Magnus didn't show up, not even once.

Liam just looked down, sucking in his lips into a straight line while nodding slowly.

He probably figured that Magnus lied about coming or just accepted that he wouldn't come. Pierre just looked unamused. I didn't really feel like dealing with this, so I just went back upstairs.

On my way upstairs, Magnus's shoulder brushed passed mine.

Now he decided to eat?

I grabbed his hand quickly before he could walk any further. He quickly snapped his head to look at me as if he was about to murder me.

"You didn't even show up to breakfast? We waited for you. Our parents wanted to discuss something to us." I said in disapproval.

"I don't care. Ill Eat breakfast whenever the hell i want. They can discuss whatever later." He shook his head before pulling his arm away from my grip. He walked downstairs leaving me in the middle of the hallway.

If he wanted to be a bitch first thing in the morning, not my problem.


"He's getting on my nerve. I can't believe I have to go in a mission alone with him, without you guys!" I slammed my head on the table.

"I know.. don't let him get to you." Vivian said brushing her fingers through my hair.

"Fuck... I don't wanna leave you on your own, let alone with that jackass. I can't believe your dad is letting you go on a mission after last time." Axel shook his head.
"Seriously, I don't know why we can't come, but some expressionless guards can." Axel face palmed himself.

"Here, finish your food so we can pay and get out of here." Vivian smiled.

Honestly, I want them to be with me but I don't want them getting hurt. Last time, Vivian only got as far as getting stabbed on her upper thigh and punched twice. I know I might sound evil for saying that, but trust me when I say that getting stabbed in the thigh and punched in the face is the most mercy you'll get in the mafia.

Axel was repeatedly getting punched and thrown around by Russian members. He took several hits to his head before blacking out twice. I remember seeing him getting several slices to his back with a dagger, over and over again.

I don't even know what the hero happened to me. I remember I was being hit and pushed. I was getting stabbed and got shot in my lower abdomen. I blacked out some times and had a pool of blood around me. I don't even want to remember how it tasted..

I finished my dinner and then we left the restaurant.

Now I have to go home heating my dad being loud with Pierre planning stuff.

The car stopped in front of the mansion.

"I'll see you later, love you." Vivian said hugging me.

"I love you too." I hugged her back.

She went back to the car as Axel got out and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I don't know when you're going, but let me know once you know. Never even hesitate before calling me. If you need anything you call okay?" Axel kissed the top of my head.

"Okay." I smiled mainly with my eyes.

I gave him another hug. I kissed his cheek before he went into his car. I waved to them as they pulled out the drive way, into the nights shadow.

I almost forgot about everything. I actually had fun hanging out with Vivian and Axel. I had a smile on my face as I walked in.

"Amira! Where have you been!" Papá yelled.

"I was with Vivian and Axel." My smile quickly disappearing.

My dad pinched his nose while gesturing for me to sit down with his other hand.

I had a seat in our grand living room. I heard a few foot steps coming from upstairs. Magnus sat across from me in the living room.

"Now that you're both here, we can finally discuss the plan."

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