Chapter 10

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"Fake ass" Nick yelled as Vanessa shut the door behind her. I gave the address to Devin who quickly pulled up the directions on his maps then began to drive.

"What'd you do yesterday?" Sage asked turning to look at me.

"Nothing much Teann wanted me and Sean to get lunch with her and David." I said looking out the door window.

"Did she say how the wedding plannings

going?" Devin asked looking at me in his rear view mirror.

"Ya she said that her and Sean are gonna be taking dance lessons so they're looking for a class."

"Why are they gonna take dance lessons?" Vanessa asked looking at me.

"Sean's gonna be doing the daddy daughter dance with her, since their dad can't" I said smiling back at how happy he was that Teann has asked him.

Soon after we were all parked outside and were waiting for Sean's car to park. When Sean got out of the car him and Nick walked over to us.

"Hi" I said going I've to Nick to hug him. When me and him parted Sean quickly pulled me into a hug.

"You look beautiful in this dress" he whispered in my ear. I gave him a smile as I pulled away.

"Let's get this over with I'm trying to spend the rest of my day in bed" I yelled leading them to the entrance. I pulled the door open  and quickly walked to the reception desk.
"Hi I made an appointment for 5 under Veronica" I said.

"Alright and you what services are you all looking to get done?" The receptionist asked looking at us. 

"It looks like we'll be getting two full sets three manicures and 4 pedicures" I said while looking down at my list that I had in my phone.

"We'll call you down when we're ready for you, you can take a seat while you wait". We nodded and all sat down. Me and Venessa grabbed some of the color charts when I went to go sit in between Sean and Devin.

Devin turned to look at me, "what color are you gonna choose" I looked down at the wheel in my hands.

"Mmm, I'm not sure" I said flipping through the colors. "Usually I get like a ballet pink, but I use to always do maroon in high school" I said putting the wheel on my lap.

"You should ask your new little boyfriend" Banessa teased.

"Ooooo a boyfriend" Nick Sage and Devin teased.

"How come we haven't heard about this mystery guy" Sage said.

"Ya man I feel offended we knew about Christopher right away!" Devin said.

"There's nothing to tell" I said defensively. "There's no guy" I argued.

"Mmm ya okay" Vanessa said teasingly while rolling her eyes.

"Who's the guy?" Sage asked leaning in.

I opened my mouth to answer when I was cut off my the receptionist, "Veronica Sean you can walk down to the chairs all the way on the end. They're ready for you two."

Taking advantage of our opportunity to escape. "So no boyfriend?" Sean teased as soon as we were out of earshot. I shook my head.

"Nope no boyfriend. There is this one guy though, but he hasn't asked me on a date or anything. Just kissed me and left" I said with a laugh.

He smiled at me, "I never did get a chance to ask you out? How about tomorrow night we go out? It can be our first date we can go somewhere nice."

I smiled and nodded. "I'd love too". I picked up the color wheel to show him what he thinks I should choose.

"Maybe a blue" he said playing with my hand that was holding onto the wheel.

"Oh my god you're such a guy" I said laughing while throwing my head back against the massage chair.

"Whats that mean?" Sean said laughing.

"All guys choose blue" I said. "It's literally so common." I said pulling up videos of girlfriends asking their boyfriends what nail color they should get.

"That just means it's a good color" he laughed as he  looked down at my phone watching different videos with the same ending play out.

A couple hours later we had all finally been fully serviced as we walked out Vanessa had told us her boyfriend was here to pick her up. I hugged her goodbye and started walking with the guys who  were started talking about where we were gonna be doing next.

"You guys can do whatever you want, I'm gonna be going home to sleep some more." I said looking down at my nails.

"You have to come out with us!" Devin and Sage said throwing their arms around my shoulders. After a while of begging I had finally agreed to go get food with them.


I finally updated!
I'm so sorry I've been so busy last week and this week. I'm hopefully gonna be getting back to uploading every other day!

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