Chapter 16

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I woke up with such a big smile on my face. Yesterday couldn't have gone better. I took a shower and washed my hair.
As I was doing my makeup I heard my phone ringing. I looked down to see Teann calling me. I quickly answered putting it on speaker.

"Hello" I said applying my foundation.

"Girlie you never called to let me know how yesterday went!" Teann playfully yelled into the phone. I smiled thinking of yesterday.

"It went really well" I gushed to her. "He was so sweet. Like Sean's always done nice things for me but the way we talked and the way he acted just felt so different. Definitely the best first date I've had." I said with a smile.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" She squealed.

"Did Sean say anything to you?" I asked looking down at my phone.

"No" she sighed. "He said if I wanted to find out so bad then I would have to wait for him to tell me. He didn't know that I was the one that helped you pick out such a pretty dress yesterday. So I was owed this information" she sassed into the phone.

I laughed, "I can literally hear Sean saying that as we speak." I responded back to her. I had told her a little more about the date when I got to the part of where Nick had called me and Sean.

"Wait can you actually teach us to dance?" Teann asked.

"Oh girl" I started. "I can help you practice your moves but teaching you guys is a whole different ball game that I'm not mentally prepared to take on. Me and Sean just started seeing each other I really don't feel like yelling at him about his two left feet. That's a correction I can make at your wedding." I said remembering all the times Sean would step on my feet when dancing together.

"C'mon it'll be fun you can spend even more time with Sean, and you already told Nick you would teach us" Teann said.

"No what I told Nick is that I am thinking about saying yes or no. Now that you're asking I've thought about it and realized my answer should definitely be no." I said applying my blush.

"So annoying. Do you know how hard it is to find someone good!" Teann whined into the phone. "We've seen so many instructors and they're all no fun" she pleaded.

I laughed knowing exactly how bad the instructors have been, hearing all the stories from Sean.
" I just don't think I'm good enough to teach you guys for something as important as your wedding day. I'm down to help you guys improve on the dance and your skill but doing the choreography is definitely not something I can do." I explained.

"Okok, but I'm holding you to that." Teann said. We chatted for a little while longer when we hung up. I finished getting ready then I made my way out to my car. I looked down at list of what I need to pick up for tomorrow's episode for each of us.

It looked like the only thing that was needed was the professors coat that Nick would be wearing tomorrow. I put in the address of the local costume shop Nick recommended for us to get costumes first the episodes.

Only 15 minutes away I thought to myself not bad. When I got to the shop I had started browsing through each aisle to see if I could find what I was looking for when I got FaceTime from Sean.

"Hey" I answered the call with a smile.

"What're you up to?" Sean asked.

"Nothing really, just need to pick up Nicks coat for tomorrow's episode. How about you" I asked while walking into a different aisle.

"I'm on my lunch break right now" he said flipping the camera to show me the lunch he brought that consisted of some fruit and a bag of chips and his water bottle.

"Sean that's not a lunch" I said grabbing a drs coat and walking to checkout.

"It's quick and easy so it's lunch" Sean replied playfully.
"Anyways I was calling to ask if you wanna come over after I get off. I can come pick you up and we can order in some food and watch movies"  Sean said.

"Wow you must like me if you wanna see me two days in a row." I teased him.

"Something like that" Sean said with a laugh. "So what do you say, are you down?"

"Ya just let me know when you're on your way so I can be ready." I smiled at him. We talked for a bit longer when he had to get back to work. I smiled to myself while driving home.

'He likes me' I thought to myself with a smile.

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