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"rain makes us fall in love as well fall out of love"

Two boys standing in the rain..no one utter a word,rain start to pour hardly by time..the blonde hair let out a small cry then take a deep breath, saying"lets break up,perth."perth saw him running from the place..he just lost his love of life..he didn't knew he was crying,first time he was crying and it was all for his own fault.

6 years passed so quickly.

"Chimon come on get your ass up,bro..its already 1 pm" nanon screamed as he pulled the duvet from his best friend.

"Why are you rapping bro, let me sleep fr"chimon replied as the little boy trying to sleep more.

"Yeah bRo, sleep im going then gonna enjoy all the nature beauty by myself,look like you forget our Koh phi phi island trip.." nanon replied mockingly as he knows how his bff loves traveling.

"WE WHAT?omggg i forgotttt wtfff today is d-day???" Chimon jumped from the bed running to his washroom freshing up.

Nanon shake his head smilingly seeing his best friend..he then open chi's wardrobe picking chi's cloth putting them on suitcase..Chimon hurriedly come back from bathroom..fixing his look and wearing clothes.

"Oh my nanonn..thank you i love you for packing my things up,yk i love you my bestie"

"Yeah yeah, i know youre the person who was cursing at me when i tried to wake you up" nanon give him a look and chimon smiled sweetly to managed the situation and hug his best friend.

"Awwie you know best friend things.." nanon laughed at that..

"Okay lets go now, we're already late chi- chicken." nanon said the last word and run to downstairs laughing...

" HIYA BITCH YOU CALLED ME WHAT?" chimon took his suitcase and run to the downstairs as well.

They're been best friend for like 7 or 8 years,they lives together after coming into another state for studies..both of them are single and don't wanna get mingle ANYMORE.
Nanon is working on a music industry he just got the chance few months ago and about chimon he don't know what he is doing..... sometimes he works at cafe sometimes he work on a restaurant,but non of them he likes to do. He likes taking pictures, traveling new places,hangout with nanon or by himself. Nature always makes him happy. Nanon never judge him for doing all of this thats why he loves nanon most,he only have nanon in his life at this moment.

after a long boat ride to the island, they're already here. Nanon saw the island from the boat and goes to wake up chimon because yeah his bff is sleeping the whole ride again.

"Yeah chi, we're here come outside" nanon says

Chimon got up quickly. He really wanna visit this place so bad never thought his bff will surprise him with this trip. Nanon smiled looking at his best friend who is excited as hell..Nanon just love when his best friend smile,he is always precious to him.. Chimon is like his own small brother. He wanna protect him at all cost.

As the boat rider signal them they all got off from the boat...Chimon jumped from the boat start a small run to the beach smiling happily.
Nanon watched his silly bff and told the guard to send their bag to their hotel room.

"Oh my god nanon...I ALWAYS WANTED TO COME HERE.. remember i always told you how badly i wanna visit here when we're on highschool?" Chimon happily says as nanon following him behind nodding his head as yes.

"I also told per-" chimon faces changed quickly as he understood what he was about to say.."oh forget that..im hungry nonnnn" he walk fast lefting behind nanon alone..Nanon sighed as he also knows what his bff about to say..he again followed chimon to the hotel room. Chimon tried to forgot all of those things..he dont wanna ruin his mood right now. They ate together enjoy the seafood but there's mood are different now.. Nanon then thought about something to make chimon happy again so he came with something.

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