let the love fight

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Ignore the mistakes~

"Ohm...please not here everyone is here.." nanon whined pushing the drunk boy face way from him softly.

"Mmh....nooooooo~ i missed my babyy"ohm cling into nanon neck again.. they're on a party with their many friends. Nanon waited for chimon called him many times but that boy didn't pick it up. Now here his boyfriend got drunk badly.

"I missed you too..ohm..lets go home" nanon said try to hold the boy who pulled him close to his chest..super close...Nanon panicked.

"Ohm everyone is here they will know about us dati-"

"Shhh- why do you care what people gonna think baby...?let them think whatever they want.. can't i just claim my boyfriend infront of them?huh?" Ohm voice is deep and serious..he is done with the fact nanon tried to hide their relationship from the world.

"Ohm..we can't..we just can't do this..we talked about this right? you're drunk lets go home love.." nanon tried to make him understand.

"No..i missed you~" ohm said put his head on his lover neck.. exhaling the sweet scent of his lover..he started to kiss on his neck make nanon jolt on the place..nanon also notice they're some of friends looking at them..nanon is scared scared that when the whole world know about them it will be worse for them ...some will start to throw hate on them how can two childhood bestfriend date and they're boy....this will lead their relationship to end..thats why he wanted to hide their relationship from the world.

Nanon eyes teared up thinking of that he pushed ohm hardly ...ohm backed away looking at him confused..he can't he believe nanon just pushed him-

"OHM... YOU'RE FUCKING DRUNK..." nanon screamed everyone looked at them..those who saw ohm was kissing nanon's neck started to gossip more..they thought ohm just got too drunk.

It hurts..it really hurts ohm..he looked at nanon for the last time then walked away furiously...hate and angry for himself started to build in this heart as he walked away..

Nanon realized he just fucked up..try to save his love life now he ruined his lover heart ..he followed him behind calling his name.

"Ohmmm...ohmm please waitt..listen to me ohm." Nanon voice shakes as he called out the boy name who is walking faster in the rain.

He manage to reach the boy hold his shoulder but ohm pushed him away.

"Fuck you want?" Ohm screamed.

"I-i'm sorry ohm i jus-" nanon tried to explain.

"Stop that nonsense nanon..stop...how many days we will hide this from people?how many days??why are you scared..being scared will never help to grow our relationship stronger..let the love face the reality let the love fight with people..BUT YOU- you always try to hide it ALWAYS ...ever think about me whats goes in my heart huh?DID YOU?"Ohm said he was angry really angry and done with all this..

Nanon started to tear up..rain doesn't make it obvious but his nose are turning red..eyes hurt as he blinked to see his lover..ohm was right..

"I-i from now i-ll try-"

"No from now..there is no 'from now' this the end nanon..this the ending of everything..be free date anyone who you can show off to people.. don't ever come to my life again nanon.. NEVER." Ohm turned around tears drop from his face mixed with rain..there is no value of that anymore..he walked towards his car left nanon behind.


So this is what happened at the same night as perthchimon broke up with each other too..

I felt like nanon kinda deserved a chance before their break up tho😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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