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Ignore the mistakes~

"Why?why I can't wear this?they looks so cute on me babie~"

"I said no.. that's mean no right?you can wear this at home but not on the party..."

"not fairrr..you always do this..."

"If you want to go to the party then do what i say or else we're not going and yk thats more fun right?we can have fun in our couch watching your favorite show.."

"Noo its not fun..why can't i freely go out with my friends babie? they're my own friends they dont gonna do anything to me also they invites you too"

"Yeah friends..." The black haired boy mocked.

"Stop acting like this...im seriously getting pissed with you now, i listened everything you said...even when you threatened nani for being close to me...i SAID NOTHING..and now I can't wear what i want?whats wrong with you perth?" Chimon said feeling hurt as his boyfriend snatching his all freedom.

"Me?whats wrong with me?how you will react when your boyfriend having fun with another guy..you will feel good?huh?" Perth asked narrowing his eyes.

"He is MY FRIEND PERTH.." Chimon started to scream enough now its been 2 months since perth obsession crossing every limits.

"So what?i was your friend too?now we didn't fucked?whats the guarantee he can't do the same to y-"

A loud noise filled the room making it more silence as chimon slapped perth hardly.

"You're so disgusting perth..your thoughts ALL OF YOU IS JUST FUCKING DISGUSTING. How could you think like that-" chimon sobbed he is angry more like heartbroken he imagined he have heard this kind of word from his most loved one.

"Oh..now im also disgusting to you?" Perth chuckled he looks more scarier than before, his right cheek are red but he won't mind.

"Yes you're.. you're perth. This days its so unbearable for me to stay with you.. your behavior changed perth.. You're not same as before.." chimon said as his tone getting softer seeing the red spot in perth cheek making him feels more sad..he never wants to hurt him.

As chimon took a step closer to perth, raising his hand and caressing his boyfriend cheek with his fingers then perth looked at him.

"Look like you didn't changed?huh baby? don't you think you're getting more comfortable with people, giggling..laughing? don't you think you're enjoying people company a little much than before? Don't you think you're wearing too much revealing clothes infront of people? don't you think sweetheart?" Perth said as his voice was cold as ice.. that makes chimon shivered, his face was already enough to scare chimon,now his voice also.

"W-what do you mean..are you saying you're not happy to see me having fun with anyone?"

"Fun?" Perth laughed his hand travelled to chimon waist pulling him closer.

"Im still not talking about fun baby..its just you being so happy, lovely with anyone.. when I'm the only can deserves to see you that happy.. you're still so small to understand what people want from you baby..its just.......forget it. I'm saying all this just for your good baby" perth voice was low his hand found his way to feel chimon's skin under his tshirt.

"I can tell thats not good for me.. it's actually good for you..you always want to keep me away from everyone, this isn't how it's work perth..we also needs friends in our life..you always wanted to live alone with you ..so i did..i left nanon ohm and lived with you here but day by day your needs are crossing every lines perth,why can't you understand?why are you always thinking negative?" Chimon said looking directly to the boy's eyes..he was about to cry for what perth putting him into.

"If it's making me look like a bad person for separating you from your friends and those mother fuckers, then I'm...you only belong to me chimon.no one deserves you but me" Perth said then leaning for a kiss but chimon moved his head tears rolling from his eyes as he realized the situation very clearly.

"You know its called toxicity perth..y-you.. you're getting over possessive." Chimon voice was shaking he can see the end..his vision getting more blurry as tears are not stopping now.

"Whatever you say.." perth said forcefully kissing chimon..his rough lips met the softest lips that he always love to taste, tease and bite. He can feels chimon is trying to move away but he holds him more tightly.

Chimon used all his strength then pushed perth hardly..Perth stepped away as his realization hits..he never forced chimon to do any physical contact...

"Enough..im leaving now.." chimon said wiping his lips harshly, he quickly left the room..taking nothing with him as he opened the door it was raining..but he started to walk in the rain fastly cuz he knows perth will follow him..and he was right.. he heard perth's calling him from behind.

"Chimonn...listen to me just one more ti-" perth got cut off as chimon stopped and faced him.

"Perth you know i never wanted to say this to you but you made me do it..your touch making me feels disgusting now and i wish i never met you. Never. This is not love..love never can be like this. Let's break up perth." Chimon said he waited for some sec, looking at his lover face maybe for the last time.

he can see how perth face turn into emotionless even though its raining hardly..chimon is crying too but rains made it looks like nothing. He then turned around left him running from the place..For the last time,
wishing not to see him again in his life.

Perth stand there emotionlessly after hearing what chimon said....every word he said now ringing in this mind...he just stared there looking at the direction where chimon walked away from his life..he didn't realized he is also crying...crying for the first time in his life,he felt his knees getting weak soon he fell on his knees he can hear his own heartbreaking into million pieces he wanted to kill himself now. He wanted to tear his on flesh from his body, he let out a loud scream punching the road pitch multiple times.. realizing what he just lost for his own fault.


note: first of all...its just a fanfic so take it easy(⁠^⁠^⁠) also its their past.. connected with the first part "hate" of this story. This is all what happened 6 years ago~

• i will also add what happened between ohmnanon in the next part including the present time.

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