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Ignore the mistakes~

Perth sat on the table of the food canteen as ohm grabbing the foods from the counter...ohm put some foods on table and goes back again to grab their drinks.

As he was returning he suddenly bumped into a person and accidentally the drinks in his hand fell on the another person t-shirt.

"Oh no,im sorry dude-"ohm voice got stuck when he saw it was chimon..after minute silence he spoke again softly

"Sorry chimon..i didn't see you actually.."

"Its okay, ohm..i also-" chimon heard nanon voice, he looked back

"Chi what happened.."nanon asked from behind as he saw chimon standing middle of the canteen..but when chimon turned around,he saw chimon's shirt was wet and infront of him,ohm was standing..he got angry thinking ohm intentionally did it to his bff..

"Wtf why you're wet-"

"Calm down its nothing lets go.."

"No..people should look around before taking steps.." nanon replied walking close to them looking at ohm, who immediately replied.

"If you know nothing about what happened dont put blame then...look like you still same as before" ohm looked at nanon eyes with all anger..before pushed him with his shoulder walking towards their table.

perth stands up after hearing ohm loud voice coming from counter he decided to see what's going on..when he reached the place..his eyes already got locked by chimon's one..

Looking at his eyes gives perth a relief...his heart start to beat fastly its like they're only two is here...no one else...no one..he always want to look at chimon's ocean eyes forever.

Chimon break the eye contact grab nanon hand who don't know how to react after what ohm said.

"Lets go non...enough." chimon said dragging him outside.

Ohm then directly go to their table..start to eat furiously..perth clearly can see how ohm was so pissed about non still..but he also knows how much ohm loves nanon..

In the evening.

The rain stopped but the sky still dark and the wave of the sea is also strong..

Perth started to walk barefoot on the sea side,its windy he loves it...he feels empty in his heart but his mind full with thoughts..not to far way he saw a familiar figure sitting on the beach sand hugging their knees looking at sea like lost...

The more perth got closer to the person, he realized its chimon. His heart telling him to go talk to chimon ask him for a chance..but his mind telling him not to go he will break his baby's heart again.

But he listened his heart..no more holding back now.. what if he lost chimon again,he will never ask for his forgiveness and another chance...so he thought...

If my love is still pure for you ,then that was not the ending of our relationship......never.

Hates you -perthchimon-Where stories live. Discover now