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Ignore the mistakes<3

Chimon start running besides the sea..he just wanted to run and vanish to this sea water. He never wanted to face that person who hurt him so badly.

"Why god..why you bring him in my life again?WHY?" that little boy started to cry his heart out in the middle of nowhere. The waves getting stronger as the storm getting close,rain started to pour already. chimon didn't stop crying that same pain in the rain what he felt almost 6 years ago on that night. He can't believe it, he don't wanna believe anything.

A hand from his behind pulled him from the place,its nanon.

"What the fuck you trying to do here chi, can't see the sea is swelling" he pulled him to a shelter beside the sea.

Chimon hugged him out of sudden..breaking down infront his bff again. He knows his best friend also on a breaking point,both boys hug each other tightly saying nothing....

Ohm nanon chimon was highschool friends...they hangout a lot that time...nanon ohm always fighting over small things..chimon found it too cute, sometimes chimon teased them for their behavior.. everything was going well.. until-

"Guysss today my bro is coming back to thailandd" ohm came out of nowhere screaming happily.

"Bro?you mean perth?" Nanon asked
"Yeah,he is coming back from LA today"

Chimon was sitting on the couch playing games until he heard perth name..


Both ohm and nanon looked at chimon who literally jumped off couch.

"Why you're so excited?" Nanon asked as he smells something fishy about his bff reaction

Chimon faked smiled and gulped "haha where?im excited?no way"

"No no whats this behavior sweetie?" Ohm asked with a grin on his face

"What are you talking about,ass" chimon spat

"He is right dont tell me you're on a relationship with-" nanon got cut off by someone who just entered the house with luggage.


"Oiiii... you're back brooo" Ohm jumped into a boy who galdly hug him back.

"I miss y'all" the boy replied as his eyes landed on chimon

"Didn't even told us before coming back?" Nanon asked crossing his arm.

Perth smile hug nanon who hugged him back "sorry,phi non"

here chimon was standing don't know what to do..perth noticed and goes for a hug

"I miss you my baby,sorry i wanted to give you surprise so didn't told you about my comeback" Perth said as he hide his face in chimon neck inhealing the sweet smell.

All 3 of them shocked almost they're eyes popped out.

"WHAT?"ohmnanon screamed

"Huh?what, you didn't tell them that we're...."perth asked chimon in confused face, Chimon shake his head as no.

"YOU TWO WHAT?"Nanon screamed again can't believe what he just heard

"Why are you screaming asshole,want to get kicked out?" chimon opened his mouth atleast.

"What tf you want me to react?when I don't know anything about this?" Nanon angrily said

"How you want me to tell you like nanon,yk im dating perth,who used to be our friend?LIKE THIS?" Chimon come back

"obviously your best friend mf"

"Ikr youre my bestfrie-"

"Stop both of you, oh my god im so done with this two..can y'all just stop screaming and sit then talk about all of this?" Ohm said as the two boy about to fight. Perth was standing there dumbfounded.

Everyone sat down then talk about everything that happened between chimon and perth how they got attached then started to talk everyday and decided to date each other secretly..perth was smiling ear to ear after telling everything,chimon just blushing.

"So you two are dating for 8 months already" nanon asked as he got relaxed on couch beside ohm.

"Yep"perth replied.

"I was kinda guessing that this two brat are dating, yk" ohm said with smirk feeling proud of his lie, thought he slayed but got a smack in his head from nanon.

"Stop lying mf, if you guessed it you should have told me, don't lie" nanon replied rolls his eyes.

"So you two I don't wanna say many things but just remember you two are still young for this..try to understand each other is not a game that you gonna play then disappear. Its all about feeling, a connection between you and your partner its not that easy that y'all thinking like. Best wishes for your journey guys. I hope everything goes well just." nanon said to perthchimon who listen his word carefully..but someone else also listening his word with whole heart....ohm. he just stayed silent after that..

Day passed by quickly two of them start dating each other..going out together they also hang out with nanon ohm..perth started to become more possessive over chimon,that chimon never expect still he ignored that fact.

they're back to hotel room..chimon wanted to leave as soon as possible so he packing his bag he don't wanna stay here for a sec anymore.

"Chi,stop it we can't go back, dont act fool." Nanon hold his hand stoping him from what he was doing. chimon jerk off his hand started to packing again"im leaving nanon..i cant stay fucking here."

"How the fuck you will go?by fucking plane? Huh? we're on a middle of sea chimon,its fucking are not allowed to drive in this situation..and i just got a news that the Meteorology department said there's a storm in the sea so we have to stay here for maybe 3-4 days...the weather can go worse in sea so we're save here..we can't fucking leave chimon..dont be childish"

Chimon sat on bed emotionlessly,"how..i- why always us nanon?why its always happens to us"chimon replied hand on his head as he is so tired of everything

"Lets forget didn't ate in morning..lets go we should eat first." Nanon pull chimon hand and drag him to the food corner..its 2pm but its non-stop raining..the wave getting more crazier...chimon nanon sat at a corner..there is not that much people here stuck in this island..they ate barely..nanon look at his bff who is just playing with foods not eating much..he just took deep breath..thats not he wanted in this trip.

Meanwhile perth can't believe what just happened few hours ago..ohm came to the room sat beside perth..he is upset too..

"Perth,you should atleast eat something,"

But the boy didn't replied stayed in same position

"Perth i know its hard to believe but lets forget everything okay?you can't go back bro.. atleast once listen to me.. staying here eating nothing,not gonna solve anything...lets see what happens next bro, just don't do any dumb mistake again," ohm said got up from his place

"Come on,lets go"

As ohm left the room perth closed his eyes tears keep falling...he wiped it then follow his head many things going on but nothing he can do right now.

"Im so close to you,but still far away"

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