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She doesn't deserve to live.

She's a monster.

Look at what you've done.

Look at who you've hurt.

It's all your fault.

Everything is your fault.

I wished you had died in that storm.

You don't deserve anything.

I screamed as the hands dragged me down, as I choked in the inky-black waters. 

They thought I couldn't hear them.

They didn't care that I could.

I screamed, over and over as the tears fell, landing in the palms of my hands.

The voices whispered through my head, coming out of my mouth as I shrieked.

Wake up.

Wake up.


Even if you wake, you know what you've done.

Suddenly, I was yanked out of water, sitting up and opening my stinging eyes.

There was still darkness.

The tears on my face, hot and salty and useless, didn't melt away.

I was screaming.

Unintelligible words only I knew and only had meaning to me.

Beside me was a Shadow with streaks of red and bloody eyes.

No, not bloody eyes, I reminded myself.

Magma eyes.

I can't tell which is worse.

I took a moment to stop screaming, to gather myself and calm the heck down.

Which I couldn't.

The fear clutched my heart in a death grip, squeezing anytime I tried to pull away.

I couldn't breathe.

Shadow was beside me.

Shadow, who only wanted to know my name so he could chant it and beat me and mock me...

Wait no, calm down. He would never do that.

Would he?

I needed to remind myself what was true and what was only in my head.

I'm going insane.

I grabbed my shoulders and hugged myself, whimpering slightly.

I was drowning.

I had been drowning and Shadow saved me.

Had he? Or was it all a nightmare?

"Hey, shhhh. You're going to be okay." Shadow said in a soothing voice.

Why was he doing this?

Did he want to crush me himself, instead of letting me commit suicide?


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