Help has Consequences

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Sometimes, I wish I could tell my nonexistent friends that I am a morning person.

Someone who would wake with the sun and listen to the birds at the crack of dawn, or head out into the forest in crisp morning air barefoot with a mug of tea. I wish I could say I did that with hardly any effort, because being a morning person sounds so picturesque and charming. 

Except I am not a morning person. 

Well, I can do things well in the morning, and I love mornings, but I have so many problems getting out of a warm cozy bed. I pity my alarm clock every weekday because I attack that thing with terrifying ferociousness so it will shut up for another five minutes of blissful rest.

The only reason I was thinking about this was because I was in that amazing place between sleep and awake where I was all warm and comfy, next to a nice fire and the ability to go back to sleep. 

But I knew, somewhere in my brain, that it was a Wednesday and I had to go to school.

I decided that I just wasn't feeling up to another day of hell, so I just buried my face in the fluffiest pillow and prepared myself for sleep.

Except my very fluffy, very soft pillow seemed to be breathing. And it had a heartbeat.

All at once I sat up, nearly hitting my head on the mantle above the fireplace.

"Oh moons, my pillow murdered someone, disembodied them, took the heart and lungs, and placed them inside itself! I need to call the police, and tell them that I found and/or own a sociopath pillow!" Immediately thought my half-asleep, half-dead brain, before my eyes adjusted to the fire glow, and I realized it was Shadow.




I suddenly felt exactly like Shadow had when I told him I could read minds. 


Unable to process anything. 

I couldn't think.

Shadow was my pillow.

I had literally rested on Shadow.

He allowed me to sleep on him.

What. The. Heck.

I just stared at Shadow peacefully resting for another five minutes, completely frozen in thought, before finally deciding what to do.

I would lie down beside him, and pretend I had never woken up.

But I had indeed forgotten that my luck is not so pleased with me after surviving my mental breakdown, and that we were not the only ones in the house.

"Morning lovebirds!" Sally sang from the kitchen.

That was enough to make Shadow open his eyes.

He then sat up, and hit his head on the mantelpiece that I had just barely avoided. I quickly moved so I was not suffocating him, instead kneeling beside him. 

Sonic then burst into the living room, apparently after going through my dress-up box from five years ago, because he was wearing some ridiculous too-small ballerina costume while holding a basket.

After horribly dancing around the room a few times, failing to keep his legs straight and nearly falling into my bookshelf, Sonic tiptoed his way over to us, and tossed a handful of fake petals over us. 

Sally then entered with duck floaties and snorkeling gear on, and dumped a pitcher of water on Shadow, managing to avoid getting me wet.

Oh the chaos was enough to make me burst out laughing.

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