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"Damn child, your useless to this clan" My father said after back handing me so hard I fell to the floor, a small yelp leaving my mouth

"I don't even know how you managed to pass the academy, let alone get on Sarutobi's team, why couldn't you just be like your brother" My father spat at me as I held my cheek, tears falling

He had found out about the battle I had lost, and us being the main branch of our clan just made it worse, knowing I have disappointed the clans name.

"Don't just lay there you weak bitch, get up and go to your training" My father said as he kicked my stomach

The kick was so hard that I couldn't breathe but I won't just lay here, he'll kick me again.

"Worthless, bet her teammates don't even like her"I heard my father say as I got up and ran to my room

I slide down my room door trying to breathe, but I couldn't, my vision going in and out until it went black.

(Time skip)

Jiraiya's POV

"Where is y/n?" I asked Tsunada and Orochimaru, both the two shrugging, not seeming to care about the missing girl

Looking over to Hiruzen-sama he shrugged with a look of worry before starting the lesson, but I could help but worry about y/n.

She never talked to us, she hardly passed our training as a team, always struggling, if I didn't know better I'd say she couldn't, something seemingly holding her back from what she could be.

I often found myself observing the quiet girl, her eyes were always fixed to the ground, she didn't weight much, I found that out after Orochimaru teased her yesterday when we were put into teams of two for a friendly sparing.

She had lost fast, not even putting up a fight, Orochimaru knew that she wasn't fighting back and used that to his advantage, pinning her down with ease, being declared the winner.

"I don't even know why you're on this team, it's nothing but a waste, pathetic" Orochimaru said as he looked down at the girl he still had pinned

I saw the tears building up in her eyes as she looked up at Orochimaru's, mouth opening then closing.

"Sorry" She said sadly, the first time anyone heard her talk since being on the team

"Get off of her Orochimaru, you already won" I said as I pushed him off the girl, her brown skin being kissed by the sun with Orochimaru out of the way

"Here, let me help you up" I said holding my hand out to her

She looked at my hand for a minute, silently debating it, her tears still falling, Hirzuen-sama looking at her in worry from where he was watching the battles.

She took my hand after her debating and I pulled her up, using some strength since I thought she had some weight on her, only from me to nearly throw her with that strength.

Why was she so, weightless?, she let go of my hand as Hiruzen-Sama gave me, Tsunada, and Orochimaru tips on what to change and practice on, turning to y/n when he was done.

"And y/n, I know it's harder for you than your classmates to understand and execute what you have learned but you can't just stand still, you have to fight for yourself and what you want, don't you want to become ninja?" Hiruzen asked her

But she shook her head no to that question, hands shaking slightly, tears rolling down her face as she looked down at the grassy ground below.

"Then why are you here?, just to waste our time?, for pity?, why take that opportunity from someone who actually gives a damn about becoming a ninja, it's not like you're good anyway, you should just leave" Tsunada said in anger which made my brows furrow in anger

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