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like only you can.


"Sorry I took so long, Munchie." Harry apologizes as soon as he walks into her hospital room, carrying a fresh tub of strawberry gelato. "I accidently dropped your gelato and I had to go back and—"

"Did he tell you?!" Avery bursts, hazel eyes opened wide with urgency as she sits all the way up in her bed.

Harry frowns, wheeling the tray table towards the bed before sitting down on the edge near her. "Did who tell me what?"


"Louis what?"

"Did Louis tell you!?" Avery practically screams at him.

"Tell me what?" Harry plays dumb again, opening the lid of the gelato container and sticking two spoons in it. "Are you gonna make me eat all this by myself? I worked so hard to get it for you, Avie."

"Daddy!" Avery throws her head back in absolute frustration and it makes Harry's heart full because she looks exactly like her mother when she scrunches up her features like that. It reminds Harry of all the many times he would purposely annoy his sister and all the times she would react just as Avery is now.

"Avery!" Harry mimics back, copying her disgruntled face, trying not to let his lips morph into a smile.

"Did Louis tell you he loves you!" Avery emphasizes with raised eyebrows and adorably bugged out eyes.

Harry holds his face frozen for several moments, just staring back into Avery's eyes as stoically as he can manage. But not only is Avery adorable, she's also quite the stare down master and before he knows it, a smile slowly creeps across his face.

His smile seems to be all the confirmation Avery needs and she breaks out into a smile of her own, clapping her hands together in delight. "He did!"

She's far more excited about this than Harry expected her to be and he has no idea how she always seems to be two steps ahead of him. "How did you know he was going to tell me that?"

"Because I know things." Avery answers obviously. She reaches for one of the spoons, scooping out a big pink chunk before gasping with what must be an idea of hers. "You should go make him dinner!"

"I should?"

"Yes, Daddy yes. That's what any good boyfriend would do."

"But Louis isn't my boyfriend. Yet." Harry adds, digging his own spoon deeper into the creamy gelato.

"Maybe he would be if you made him dinner." Avery sasses. "Make it really, really, reaaalllyy nice and surprise him. He'll love it."

"You think so?" Harry considers.

"Mhmm, I know so." Avery nods confidently.

Harry grins warmly. "And how's that, Avie?"

"Because I know things, Daddy. I told you." Avery tilts her chin up. "I'm grown."

"Oh Avery, my sweet little girl, you're so silly." Harry gently pecks her nose.

She points her spoon at him. "I'm also right."

Harry narrows his eyes, still grinning. "Alright missy, since you know everything, what should I make for him then?"

"Something impressive."

"Impressive like what? Spaghetti?"

"Spaghetti is the opposite of impressive, Daddy." Avery turns her nose up disapprovingly. "It's basic. I can make spaghetti and I'm in 2nd grade."

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