Chapter 4

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Lucy picks Noah up. They had back to Lucy's house and start packing a bunch of clothes into suitcases.

Noah- "Mom where are we going"

Lucy- "We are gonna go to Italy for a month."

Noah- "That's cool."

They go to sleep and wake up for their 5am flight. They are on the plane for 12 hours before arriving to Rome, Italy. They get into an Uber and head to their Air Bnb.
They eat lunch together. Once they eat lunch Lucy gets really nauseous and runs to the bathroom. She starts throwing up in the toilet and Noah runs to hold her hair up. After a while they go and sit on the couch.

Lucy- "Hey i'm gonna make a delivery order from the store. Take my phone and put what you want on it."

Noah- "Okay"

Once he's done she takes the phone and puts a pregnancy test on it. As soon as the stuff gets delivered she takes the pregnancy test and heads into the bathroom. She owes on the stick and waits for the result. All three of them show up positive. She still has doubts, so she decides she will wait until they get back to get bloodwork done.


1 month ago It was Nolan and Baileys wedding. Tim and Lucy didn't have anyone to dance with. It was a few days before Tim and Ashley met. They were single and miserable. Lucy heads into the family bathroom. Tim walks in behind her and locks the door.
Lucy turned around and they started making out. Eventually their clothes were on the bathroom floor. They didn't use protection. They walked out of the bathroom and never spoke about it again.

~Flashback Over~

She sighs. This wasn't supposed to happen. She walks back out to where her son is.

Noah- "Mom what's wrong"

Lucy- "Sit down. We have to talk"

They sit down on the couch.

Lucy- "You are probably going to be mad at me."

Noah- "I promise I won't."

Lucy- "You can't promise me that because you don't know what i'll say."

Noah- "No mom. I promise."

Lucy- "Noah. I'm pregnant."

Noah- "With who. Are you seeing someone."

Lucy- "No of course not. I would've told you."

Noah- "Then who is the baby's father."

Lucy- "Noah.  1 month  ago at John and Bailey's wedding, your dad and I. We uh. We slept together. That was the only time we've done that since splitting. I still want to get bloodwork done to make sure i'm pregnant. I don't trust these tests"

Noah- "I'm not mad. I'm confused. I'll love my brother or sister. I will, but you can't tell dad that it's his.

Lucy- "He has the right to know."

Noah- "You don't understand. His girlfriend will just act like a little family with Tim. Claiming the baby to be hers in public. Teach the baby that she is its mom too."

Lucy- "Yea. I'm not gonna have that happen."

Noah- "I know you have a dating app"

Lucy- "I do. I haven't gone on a date with anyone though."

Noah- "Maybe you should."

Lucy- "I send how you are about Ashley."

Noah- "That's different. Plus I always know that you will make sure I like him first."

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