chap 1

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In a small village, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, lived Giyuu, a young mute man burdened with the weight of responsibility.

His days were spent toiling in the fields, his nights filled with worry for his beloved sister, Tsutako, who lay bedridden with a debilitating illness.

Giyuu's meager earnings were barely enough to afford the medicine that could ease Tsutako's suffering.

Desperation gnawed at his heart as he watched his sister's condition worsen with each passing day. Little did he know, fate had a cruel twist in store for him.

One stormy night, a shadowy figure crept into their humble home, bearing a sinister proposition. Giyuu's master, a man known for his cruelty,

"U better listen to me eh boy?"
The man said glaring at Giyuu who was held down by the man's men, Giyuu turned his head and saw his sister - a blade was placed so near to the throat, Giyuu squirmed in the men's grip tears falling but no sound came out

"See there boy I'll fucking kill your sister or maybe I should prostitute her till she does!?"
He grinned wide as Giyuu turned his head furiously nodding no , his eyes were wide and tears streaming down like a raging river

"Good, now u have to choose between Mmrrying that asshole Emperor or u watching you're sister fucking parish??"
Giyuu's heart shattered at the ultimatum, torn between duty to his sister and the fear of losing her forever.
With a heavy heart, he accepted his master's terms, knowing that his sacrifice was the only hope for Tsutako's survival

"Heh, what a good dog u are, aren't u.."


As Giyuu entered the opulent halls of the imperial palace, his heart heavy with sorrow, he caught the eye of Emperor Sanemi, whose gaze pierced through the layers of his stoic facade. Unbeknownst to Giyuu, a seed of curiosity had been planted in the emperor's heart, one that would grow and flourish in the days to come.

Sanemi observed Giyuu with a detached interest, masking the tumult of emotions that stirred within him. He found himself drawn to the quiet strength radiating from the young man, a strength born of sacrifice and unwavering devotion, but it His silence made his blood boil and tick him off

Sanemi was currently reading a book, Giyuu silently poured tea into the cup , Sanemi called out to response

Sanemi yelled making Giyuu flinch and stop pouring tea

"Tch!.. fucking pussy"
Sanemi grumbled but couldn't shake the feeling that the way Giyuu acted was similar to his mother, and how he acted was similar to his father..and boy did it make his skin crawl thinking he was gonna be the same asshole Husband as his Father

Later during they're supper

Giyuu ate slowly shaking a bit feeling Sanemi's glare

"Tch, Talk to me would ya!??"
Sanemi yelled slamming his fist at the table, Giyuu stopped eating and was shaking

"Fuck!, If u won't talk then go starve instead!!!"
Sanemi yelled again telling the guard's to take him to his room (Sanemi's room)


Sanemi laid down on his bed , he enjoyed his time with Giyuu as none of his wives could survive nor keep quiet during sex, Giyuu silently laid beside him body sore tired and marked with hickeys and bite marks, Sanemi turned his head to face Giyuu and saw the tear streaks from they're rowdy - his heart felt a pang seeing how he was all in a good mood and enjoyed the Time and Giyuu was tired and didn't quite like the session, he moved closer making Giyuu lay on his bare chest,he hugged the ravenette's small - almost fragile body although it didn't seem like he cared for his wife/husband..he actually did, it was just Giyuu's silence that ticked him off

One fateful day, after a routine check-up with the imperial doctor- as Giyuu still couldn't walk, Sanemi was blindsided by a revelation that shook him to his core.
"Your consort, Giyuu, I'm afraid he is mute.. your highness"
the doctor revealed, his tone somber, Giyuu turned his head to the doctor then at Sanemi with only fear in his eyes shaking once more

Sanemi stared at Giyuu who's face was drained with all color shaking again- he was scared, Sanemi gave a sigh approaching Giyuu, thinking if only he'd had Giyuu get checked up sooner he would've knew and he would have taken the time to learn sign language and could've treated Giyuu properly - more lovingly

"I did not know,"
he confessed, his voice tinged with regret

"Giyuu..?, I'm sorry"
Sanemi apologized hugging Giyuu who hesitantly hugged back

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Sanemi wrestled with emotions he dared not acknowledge.

He buried himself in his duties as emperor, seeking solace in the rigid structure of his daily routine, but try as he might, he could not escape the pull of Giyuu's presence feeling the sense of comfort and peace whenever he was around with him

One evening, as they stood on the balcony overlooking the kingdom bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, Sanemi's resolve crumbled like sand between his fingers,Soon they found themselves again in bed.

Sanemi was sitting on his bed - Giyuu say on his lap eyes threatening to fall asleep as although he enjoyed that night he was still tired just as he was about to succumb to the slumber he heard a soft voice asking

"Why did you agree to this?"
Sanemi asked, his voice tinged with a vulnerability he had never dared to show before.

Giyuu met Sanemi's gaze with unwavering resolve, his eyes reflecting the depths of his sacrifice. "For my sister,"
Giyuu thought, then he sat up and signed it slowly knowing his Husband, Sanemi hadn't memorize sign language and after he finished Sanemi's expression darkened and hugged Giyuu placing a short peck on his face

Sanemi felt a pang of guilt pierce his heart at Giyuu's words, a reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of duty and love.

In that moment, he realized that his own heart had been silently yearning for something more, something he had been too afraid to acknowledge.

As the days passed, Sanemi found himself drawn closer to Giyuu, their bond deepening with each passing moment

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