Chapter 8

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A few weeks had passed, and Sanemi had been cooped up in the imperial office, buried under mountains of paperwork.

Giyuu didn't mind, understanding the importance of Sanemi's duties, but he hoped his husband wouldn't overwork himself.

One noon, after what felt like an eternity, Sanemi finally emerged from his office, a relieved expression on his face.

"I'm all done with the paperwork" Sanemi announced, stretching his arms. Just as he finished speaking, lunch was served.

After a satisfying meal, Sanemi turned to Giyuu with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "How about we head to the archery range? Want to see me shoot some arrows?"

Giyuu's eyes lit up with excitement, and he eagerly nodded. Together, they made their way to the archery range. As they approached, Giyuu noticed Genya there, looking a bit ticked off about something.

Sanemi told Giyuu he'd be right back and walked up to his brother.

Genya was busy with his archery practice and didn't notice Sanemi approaching. When Sanemi suddenly spoke, Genya yelped in surprise, making Sanemi laugh. He playfully messed up Genya's hair before asking, "What's wrong, Genya?"

Genya sighed, lowering his bow. "It's nothing Anaki, really. Just some trouble with the new recruits."

Sanemi raised an eyebrow. "Trouble? Want to talk about it?"

As the brothers continued their conversation, Giyuu watched from a distance. He couldn't help but smile, finding their interaction both adorable and wholesome. The sight of Sanemi's gentle teasing and Genya's genuine expressions warmed Giyuu's heart.

Sanemi glanced back at Giyuu, catching his smile. He grinned, knowing that seeing him with his brother brought Giyuu joy. After a few more words with Genya, Sanemi walked back to Giyuu, his eyes softening as he approached.

"Ready to see some archery skills?" Sanemi asked, a playful tone in his voice.

Giyuu nodded, his smile widening. Sanemi led him to a spot where he could get a good view of the target. He then took his position, drawing his bow with practiced ease. With a focused expression, he aimed and released the arrow, which flew straight and true, hitting the bullseye.

Giyuu's eyes widened in amazement, and he clapped silently, his face lighting up with admiration. Sanemi turned to him, a proud smile on his lips. "What do you think?"

Giyuu signed enthusiastically, 'You're incredible!'

Sanemi chuckled, feeling a swell of pride at Giyuu's reaction. He spent the next hour showing off his skills, each shot more impressive than the last. Giyuu watched intently, thoroughly enjoying the display.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the archery range, Sanemi and Giyuu walked back to the palace together. Giyuu's heart was full, not just from the impressive archery but from the moments of connection and affection they had shared.

Sanemi glanced at Giyuu, his hand reaching out to gently take his. "I hope you enjoyed today" he said softly.

Giyuu nodded, squeezing Sanemi's hand in response. 'I did. Thank you.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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