chap 5

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' if u love and deeply care for someone.., there is no such things as limit's to make someone who hurt them get karma~'


Sanemi lied Giyuu on the bed, dried tear streaks visible, his face turned more concerned..then resentment and anger filled within him

'no one..I mean no one treats MY partner like shit..'

He thought his blood boiled bit calmed down remembering that Giyuu was already asleep.. still he wanted to do something with what was happening but Giyuu never seemed to give any names who speaded the rumor or which eunch or guard sexually harrast him..but

This is Shinazugawa Sanemi.. the player not the pawn, and his task is to prevent the king.. Giyuu from harm..that's meaning to get rid of every possible why that would potentially harm him.. those were the guards, eunch,maids..and lastly the general


As Giyuu slowly woke from his troubled sleep, he heard faint noises coming from outside his room. Curiosity piqued, he approached the door cautiously, straining to make out the hushed voices on the other side.

"Go undercover... find them... tell me who"

Giyuu heard, the words barely audible but filled with urgency and determination. He furrowed his brow in confusion, trying to decipher the meaning behind the cryptic message.

Before he could make sense of it, the voices faded into indistinct muttering, leaving Giyuu feeling more bewildered than ever. But something told him that Sanemi was behind it, orchestrating a plan to uncover the truth about what had happened to him.

With a sense of determination of his own, Giyuu returned to the bed and pretended to wake up just as Sanemi entered the room.

"Are you awake? Did you get enough rest?" Sanemi asked, his voice filled with genuine concern as he approached Giyuu.

Giyuu nodded, offering a small smile to reassure his husband. but it still gave a pang in his heart that Sanemi was already working tirelessly then behind the scenes to ensure his safety and protect him from harm.

Still he found solace in Sanemi's presence, knowing that he was not alone in facing the challenges ahead.

Sanemi returned the smile, though his mind raced with thoughts of the covert operation he had set in motion. He watched Giyuu carefully, his heart heavy with the weight of his responsibilities as both emperor and protector.

As they sat together in the quiet of the room, a sense of determination settled over them both. Whatever trials lay ahead, they would face them together, bound by a love that could withstand any storm.

With a heavy heart and trembling hand, Giyuu carefully penned each word of the letter to his beloved sister, Tsutako. He poured his soul into the ink-stained pages, longing to reach across the distance and offer her the comfort and reassurance she so desperately needed.

"It's been a while, nee-san," Giyuu wrote, his heart aching with the weight of the time that had passed since they last spoke. "How is everything? Any problems? Are you getting better?"

As he paused to reflect on his words, memories of their shared childhood flooded his mind, filling him with a bittersweet longing for simpler times. He could almost hear Tsutako's laughter echoing in the halls of their childhood home, her gentle smile a beacon of light in the darkness.

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