Were am I?

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Nico pov: in a 3 pov

"Will, I am going to get food!" Nico yells out to Will, who was healing a camper who got shot with an arrow.

"No, don't you dare. you still have to heal from that shadow travel you did two weeks ago!!"

oh, if I only I did listen to my boyfriend on a good day, but that not to day.

Nico had escaped in to the shadow under the bed, he still heard the voice calling out to Nico in anger as he left him.

Nico went to the Mac Donald's that was close to the camp Or he thinks that he did because when Nico got out it was dark and cold. as he dropped to the ground luckily Nico didn't feel anyone was close to him, so he fell into a nightmare filled sleep.

By the time Nico had woken up the sun had started to rise for the start of the day which is not a good thing for Nico. Not only did he run way from Will (in good faith to get the goods happy meal) he was in a town he did not know at all.

For a start Nico got up, from the terrible nightmare of the past he tried to shear the feeling of sadness and despair away. He sat up form the ground luckily there was nothing that hurt or acking so nothing got to him in his sleep which was good for the most part. Looking around the alleyway that he shadow travel to, it looks wet and dark still didn't have the light form the gold sky the only thing that was there was the trashed bins and a fire escape that looked over used.

Not many or not at all was walking past this alleyway, but just to make sure that nothing was going to fight him, he soul search for people around him. There was no one around him at all or just not down the street out of the ally, from just doing that alone he could go back to sleep but he was hungry so that was not going to happened sine Will started to tack care of him, he is getting more and more hungry by the week. not that he mined that spending time with will and all but eating was not his strong point, so getting this hungry something must be wrong or he travelled more than he should off.

'Right back to what he needed food there should be a Mac Donald's a round here.'

Standing up he went out of the alley and into the street.

'wow there is no one even on the other side of the walk way or on the block. Where is everyone?'

Not wobbling to much be strolled down the street. There was not one shop that didn't have the cold and night look even if they have lights on the look some thing like they didn't want people to come in. but Nico had stopped at the one lovely Mac Donald's with the cracked window and dim lights it still looked like people had come out to get food (one or two people were there) Nico walked in and no one look at him like he some weird goth kid coming to haunt them for life, but like the quick glance at someone unimportant.

Nico had quickly ordered the happy meal, or he hoped the thing is he still didn't know were he was so he had to either wait for the cashier to talk or use that online thing that they have. Being the social teen, he is and not knowing how to use the online thing he had to talk to the cashier, she did in fact speak English. And Nico did have the right money to play her on the first try it was the US cash not the Canada or Australia cash.

'great so I must not be far from camp' thinking on that he grabbed his older and sit to eat. Not like he was eating fast but this time he got all of the food down without feeling sick which for him is either bad or good thing. 'Will would have loved that I had eaten all of the food in one siting, but he is not here' staring at the eaten food rappers clearing his head of the sadness of not having this boyfriend yell at him for not eating he got up from the sit and pot the rappers in the bin. The time has come for Nico to find a way out of this goth city.

The fist place to look was the grave yard opening the door and leaving only the workers, the other people had left with there food as a tack away which was not to crazy at all to walk along a darkly street that was dimly lit and flicker, it had the feel like he was going to get robbed street. If that did happen than Nico still could summed the sword but that would case him to be more unstable even if he just eats all that food the shadow travel as taken him some were that even summing the singen iron could fade him to the shadow.

But no one was around jet for that to happened so he just keeps a slow pace to the grave yard, or what he thinks is the way Nico cannot tell were the hell it is looking for it has to be one of the biggest pains that he has had in the last week there is like no signs saying were he is and there is only the street that he going on sign. But after a long time, he seen someone that could tell him were he's can find the grave yard

They look fine to Nico (not good looking male) but to others they would have look like someone just pot a lot of makeup on the wrong way to make him look like a clown. A mean looking clown.

"hello can you help me?" Nico had said, the man clown face had darkened when Nico had started to talk to him. He also reaches you something in his pocket, that had been the moment that Nico started to back up.

"didn't your mama teach you not to talk to strangers" he leaped with the knife to catch Nico but he already starts to run off down the street.

'why is this clown killer a fast running' Nico had run down 5 streets in the span of 3 min, but that clown has been 1 street away close for him to see the next street that I was going on next.

'There, there's the grave yard' Nico had run about 3 more streets before he found the off rode to the cemetery that was the time may have given up and fight the dam clown, but the clown had gone slower still keeping up but Nico could see the slowness weighing on him. So, Nico took the time to speed up even if he had just got the tiredness from this unexpected run.

He had got to the grave yard faster than the clowns, wait clowns? From the time he started running the one killer clown had turn into the 10 clowns that are now running up to the yard were Nico was looking down on them. 


Hi this is my first post ever so if my spelling/ grammar is off than point it out and will change it and also if you give me ideas I may use them also I do not know what I an doing so help would be great :).

I don't own the character, just the plot line.
I also not know a lot about batman or his family so bear with me on that but I will bring them in later.
I did get the idea form a other work, but I can not find it again.

Were am I? Nico Meets BatmanWhere stories live. Discover now