Where is he?

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Nico pov

"Nico, Nico you are not the only one that had disappeared" Percy voice had prised my head.

"after three day's we started to try and find you thinking you just went out for a while and would come back, but other campers disappeared to. Your boyfriend Will was the next" he was calmer than before.

"wait, but how did this happen?" I am still confused on what has happened for me to have disappeared for two weeks. And then Will gone to, were could he be?

"I don't know what going on, but I am in a place called metropolis with this freak that fly's and it not Jason, I think he calls himself superman" bitter voice Percy had for talking about this superman was not lost on me and if that why Percy is looking so banged up with the blood on his head than this superman must not me trust worthy.

"I am in this place called Gotham" I said, there is not much to say about where I am expect that batman person but I think I got the better end of the stick than he did.

"oh, I hear that superman say something about calling up batman but the Gotham call lines were down before we started to fight" said Percy.

"alright do you want me to come to you I think I can get there soon" I said as the call cut out a little telling us that the IM going to stop soon.

"No, I don't want you traveling envy where I will come to you" Percy quickly said as the IM cut out.

It has not been long that I have been talking to Percy and there still not many around the park. Now That Nico had time to look at this park it has the trees sounding this place, green grass around and at the centre the fountain where Nico is siting it a statute of an man in a stute looking out into the world. More like looking into the city it had over shadow this park by a mile shot, but now Nico has a lot of time before Percy get here.

But what Percy had said about him being away for two-hole weeks is still unnerving to him, it not like he wanted to be way for so long from Will and now he is in a new place not knowing were Will is or how to find him. Wait how far is metropolis form Gotham? Hopefully not long ways away because I need to know what has happened to Will and why I am here. There is to much to think about and to little, if Percy can clear up anything it would be how camp has been going but I think he is in the seam bout as me form not knowing how he got there in metropolis.

I can't sit here and think of things I don't know, I just have to go eat again Percy will have to find me. To Mac Donald's.

This time when I got to a Mac Donald's the place had than at night the place had people siting in groups of 5 and there was a little line to wait for food.

From the time I got here and getting the food it was like 4 or 5 hours a lone so when I had sat at a both waiting for Percy to find me didn't tack to long I had eaten all of the food (must be hunger eating to way into me for long time) and pot it in the bin, sat down again before I had seen Percy walking in the building.

But when I did see him there was others looking at him, I know he good looking but not that good to make both genders look at the seam time wow. But the group turned away when Percy walked out to me and sat down.

"great to see that you are all right Nico" Percy didn't look like he had blood on him now than he did before. Must of clean himself before getting here.

"hey are you ok? Over the IM I saw the blood on your face" I asked

"yes, I am all good I just got hit in the head by you know who and –" Percy was cut of by me

"why were you fighting in the first place?" I had question

Percy sat there quite for second and then started to talk "well I woke up in the city park next to the fountain, I started to look around and then I see this guy in a blue and red walking around and looking at the ground trying to find something when I walked up to him to asked where I was.

He told me and asked where I was from and I told him.

'I am from New York' he told me that I would know some one named batman and that he had been here to help the villains there.

You know that there are no villains in New York that mortals knew so I said 'what?' and he look confused and then angry at me than attacked me for no reason.

And then has we were fighting more of his pals came to help him, but get this the man could fly like Jason and he tried to kill me with his eye lasers. I only got his name when one of his pals said 'superman is this a another one or is this a kid' I didn't hear his replay because when we were fighting they backed me up to a beach and I jumped in." Percy had gotten into the story that I didn't say a thing if I had been a child when I heard this than I would been jumping in joy. But I am 14 now and this demigod thing has gotten me use to hearing that people can fly.

"so, you just talked and they start to attack you?" I asked

"YES. they attacked me for talking, talking Nico what is this I can't talk now without people trying to kill me if wise girl was here she would know why I was attacked" Percy cried out. I oh most imaged that he would cry with Annabeth not being here with him (he would do that) and if I don't have my Will I may do a Percy and cry as well.

"did you have a hard time fighting them?" I wanted to know if he was challenge by these people.

"there was like 5 of them and I am just one person. And I think they all have some kind of power, ya all of them but one I think he had been waring all black" Percy has said.

"would his name be Batman?" I questioned.

If he was there how did batman get there so fast? And why was he there that weird night vamp would not have gotten there so fast if he was an mortal.

"I don't know much but I think he was talking about something I not remember but an green man said that name" so that what Percy got from fighting 5 people, not much but oh well.

"I ran into batman when I got chased by clown's trying to hurt me. It not like they did hurt me but that batman took some of the out before I left him to call the police" I explained.

"how long ago was this?" Percy asked.

"I don't know just that it was at night that this happened" I told him.

"we have to find out what happened or find the others, I need my wise girl. Let's go find her" Percy explained.

We been here for awhile that most people have left and new people have come in but the table that was looking at Percy when he walked in is still here and I don't think I have heard a thing form the in a while, not like I was listening to them at all but it weird that they are still here.

Percy got up for his sit and said.

"come on death breath Annabeth is not going to wait for us and we need to find her, and Will to you can't live without him can't you" walking to the door and getting out of Mac Donald's.

"what you can't live with out Annabeth to!" I got up and went after him out the door. I didn't look back at the table again.

Percy was waiting by the MacDonald's or just stopped for me Than we start to walk down the lighter street.

It's time to find Will and Annabeth.


Well got a another out so yay! 

Were am I? Nico Meets BatmanWhere stories live. Discover now