Alchemy Of The Answers

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Alchemy of the Answers

Belief in the beauty of unrequited love blooming
No relief as they replay the sounds of war looming
A chief at the mane of the horse he is grooming
A thief that refrains from the loot he is consuming

A monument erected to a colonialist tyrant
The consequence faced as a peaceful rally turns violent
Consciousness debased as a cult leader refuses to be silent
Commonness embraced as one attuned to their new environment

Warships aligned in the South-China Sea
Mozart's minuet played perfectly in the key of C
A moment of regret as he makes the choice to be free
The discriminatory tone that is set by some who look down upon refugees

Wildfires consume Hawaii as history burns to the ground
Political liars consume the narrative as we try to rise above their sound
The same deciders of the perogative
conspire to undermine the profound
As if mathematicians can come together to redefine the shape that's round

Progressive environmentalists determined to save the earth
Impressive sentimentalists giving intellectualism a widened girth
Regressive evangelists incorrectly assessing what everything is worth
Aggressive conversationalists debating the existance of the virgin birth

Postulations on Socrates and his theories allowing thought to expand
Liberations from Dictatorial juries that allow the oppressed to take a stand
Invitations to express Indigenous fury as they fight to reclaim their land
Visitations from the ghost of Madam Curie as the atom splits in my hand

The illumination of an oak tree through the fullness of the bright moonlight
The insubordination of those who see the need to fight for what is right
The culmination of the carefree artist painting inspiration through the night
The propagation of the sunflower seed whose brightness invirogates the sight

Stark recollections from a camp in World Wart Two
Barking rejections as you assert what it means to be you
Sky-larking infections of the over-priveledged wealthy few
Embarking on the elections of a leader with pure integrity that's well overdue

Eloquent referrals of brilliant discourse expressing refine
Subsequent deferrals of remorse regressing over time
Monument paternal guidance gives recourse for children to express resign
Consequence of external concourse that forced atoms to realign

Sadness expressed from beneath the details of his soul
Madness regressed as the youthful natures evolve into the old
Gladness of inquests into the man whose value system can't be sold
Drabness at the behest of alchemists turning questions into gold

The End
Copyright Elizabeth Moroz 2024

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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