Prologue: TRILOGY

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Arriving at the alley, Daredevil eyes narrowed as he surveyed the scene before him. A group of thugs had cornered a helpless victim, their malicious laughter echoing off the walls as they closed in for the kill.

 A group of thugs had cornered a helpless victim, their malicious laughter echoing off the walls as they closed in for the kill

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With a silent resolve, Shinji leaped into the fray, his fists flying as he engaged the criminals in a fierce battle. Despite being outnumbered, he fought with a skill and precision that left his adversaries reeling, his blows landing with deadly accuracy as he swiftly incapacitated each one in turn.

As the last thug fell to the ground, defeated and demoralized, Shinji turned his attention to the victim, extending a hand to offer assistance. The victim, a young woman with fear in her eyes, hesitated for a moment before accepting his help, her gratitude evident in the tearful smile that graced her lips.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "You saved my life."

Shinji nodded solemnly, his expression masked by the shadows of his mask. "It's what I do," he replied simply, his voice steady and unwavering.

With a final nod of gratitude, the young woman disappeared into the night, leaving Shinji alone in the alley with his thoughts. As he stood amidst the wreckage of the battle, he couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought him to this moment, from the depths of despair to the heights of heroism.

But even as he pondered the trials and tribulations that had shaped him into the hero he had become, Shinji knew that his work was far from over. For in a city plagued by darkness, there would always be those who sought to do harm, and it was his duty as the new Daredevil to stand against them, to be a beacon of hope in a world consumed by fear.

With a silent vow to continue his crusade for justice, Shinji disappeared into the night, his footsteps echoing off the walls of the alley as he prepared to face whatever challenges awaited him in his never-ending quest to protect the innocent and uphold the legacy of the man who had come before him.

Perched atop a rooftop in the heart of Hell's Kitchen, Shinji Shikishima sat in solitude, his gaze fixed on the bustling city below. The sounds of sirens and car horns filled the air, mingling with the distant hum of life in motion. But amidst the chaos of the city, Shinji found solace in the quiet stillness of the night.

As he sat in contemplation, his mind drifted back to the night that had changed his life forever. A vivid flashback played out before his eyes, transporting him back to the dark alley where he had been found blind and injured, his fate uncertain.

In the darkness of that fateful night, Shinji had been at his lowest ebb, consumed by despair and uncertainty. But then, like a beacon of light in the darkness, Original Daredevil had appeared, his presence a source of strength and guidance in Shinji's darkest hour.

With a heavy heart, Shinji recalled the moments that had followed, as Old Daredevil had taken him under his wing and set him on the path to becoming the new Daredevil. Through tireless training and unwavering support, his mentor had shown him that even in the face of adversity, there was always hope.

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