Revenge of Kingpin issue 3 out of 5

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Part 3:Hell's kitchen is belong to us

As the sun set over the streets of Hell's Kitchen, Shinji Shikishima, known to the world as Daredevil, walked hand in hand with his future wife, Illyana Rasputin, also known as Magik from X-Men. The bustling city seemed to come alive with the promise of the evening ahead, the sounds of traffic and conversation blending together into a symphony of urban life.

 The bustling city seemed to come alive with the promise of the evening ahead, the sounds of traffic and conversation blending together into a symphony of urban life

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Shinji and Illyana strolled along the sidewalk, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the city as they shared stories and whispered secrets to each other. Their bond was strong, forged through trials and tribulations that had tested their courage and resolve time and time again.

As they passed by the familiar sights of Hell's Kitchen, Shinji couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settle over him. For so long, this city had been his home, his sanctuary, and now, with Illyana by his side, it felt more alive than ever before.

Illyana with eyes sparkling: So, where are we headed tonight?

Shinji smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye as he led her down a side street, away from the hustle and bustle of the main thoroughfare.

Shinji voice filled with excitement: It's a surprise but I promise you'll love it.

As they walked, the city seemed to come alive around them, its energy pulsing with the rhythm of their footsteps. They passed by quaint cafes and cozy bookstores, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the night as they reveled in each other's company.

Finally, they reached their destination a small park tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the soft rustle of leaves, a perfect backdrop for a romantic evening together.

As Shinji and Illyana walked hand in hand towards the entrance of the love hotel, the anticipation between them palpable in the air. The dimly lit street seemed to fade away as they approached the entrance, their hearts racing with the promise of passion and desire.

But just as they reached the threshold, Shinji's keen senses picked up on a faint sound the distant echo of footsteps, moving with purpose down the nearby alleyway. His instincts kicked into overdrive as he scanned the shadows, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger.

Shinji whispered: Illyana I need to leave. Now.

Illyana's eyes widened in surprise at Shinji's sudden change in demeanor, confusion flickering across her features as she searched his face for answers.

Illyana: What? Why?

Shinji hesitated for a moment, torn between his desire to protect Illyana and the danger that lurked in the darkness nearby.

Shinji: I... I can't explain right now But trust me, you need to go inside and wait for me there. It's not safe out here.

Before Illyana could protest, Shinji pressed a quick kiss to her lips, his touch lingering with unspoken promises of love and devotion.

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