Revenge of Kingpin Issue 4 out of 5

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Part 4: Fall of Daredevil and Betrayal

As Shinji lay unconscious on the ground, Mr. Negative turned to his henchmen, his voice cold and commanding as he issued his orders.

Mr.Negative with a menacing voice: Get a coffin e'll bury him in the cemetery in Harlem deep enough that he'll never be found.

The thugs nodded in silent agreement, their faces contorted with malicious intent as they set off to carry out their leader's orders. With cold efficiency, they procured a coffin from a nearby funeral home, their movements swift and calculated as they made their way to the cemetery under the cover of darkness.

As they arrived at the cemetery, Mr. Negative surveyed the scene with satisfaction, his lips curling into a cruel smile as he watched his men prepare to bury their fallen foe once and for all. With a sense of grim determination, they lowered the coffin into the freshly dug grave, their hearts filled with anticipation as they prepared to seal Shinji's fate for eternity.

But as they worked, a faint sound reached their ears the muffled thud of Shinji's heartbeat, a defiant echo of his refusal to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume him.

One of the thugs with voice filled with disbelie: He's still alive

Mr.Negative: Then bury him and make sure he never sees the light of day again.

With a sense of grim determination, the thugs obeyed their leader's command, sealing Shinji's fate within the confines of the coffin as they filled the grave with dirt and rubble. And as they worked, the darkness of the night seemed to close in around them, swallowing Shinji whole as he fought to cling to consciousness in the face of overwhelming odds.


In the depths of Kingpin's lair, a sinister plot was unfolding. With Mr. Negative's attention focused elsewhere, Kingpin saw an opportunity to rid himself of a rival and seize control of Hell's Kitchen once and for all.

Gathering his most loyal thugs Including the brutish enforcer Hammerhead and the deadly assassin Bullseye Kingpin laid out his plan with cold, calculated precision.

Kingpin: Mr. Negative has outlived his usefulness he's become a liability, a threat to my reign. It's time to eliminate him along with his entire army of criminals.

The thugs nodded in silent agreement, their faces twisted with grim determination as they prepared to carry out their leader's orders. With Bullseye's deadly accuracy and Hammerhead's brute strength at their disposal, they knew that they would stop at nothing to achieve their goal even if it meant betraying an erstwhile ally.

Bullseye as he readied his weapons for the coming battle: Consider it done

Hammerhead cracked his knuckles menacingly, a feral grin spreading across his face as he anticipated the violence that lay ahead

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Hammerhead cracked his knuckles menacingly, a feral grin spreading across his face as he anticipated the violence that lay ahead.

Hammerhead: We'll take care of Mr. Negative And anyone else who gets in our way.

And with that, Kingpin's ruthless plan was set into motion, setting the stage for a deadly showdown that would determine the fate of Hell's Kitchen and the criminal underworld that lurked within its shadows

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And with that, Kingpin's ruthless plan was set into motion, setting the stage for a deadly showdown that would determine the fate of Hell's Kitchen and the criminal underworld that lurked within its shadows.

Two hours passed, and the tension in the air was thick as Mr. Negative and his men returned to their base, unaware of the betrayal that awaited them. As they entered the compound, the eerie silence was shattered by the sudden onslaught of gunfire and the sound of explosions echoing through the halls.

As Mr. Negative and his men were caught off guard by Kingpin's ambush, chaos erupted in the base. Gunfire and explosions filled the air as both sides engaged in a fierce battle for survival

Mr. Negative shouted orders to his men: Defend the perimeter! We can't let them breach our defenses!

But even as he rallied his forces, Mr. Negative couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at him.

Mr.negative: This is Kingpin's doing, he's trying to take us out while we're vulnerable. But he won't succeed not if I have anything to say about it

As the battle raged on, Bullseye, Kingpin's deadliest assassin, taunted Mr. Negative with a sadistic grin.

Bullsye with a racist voice: You thought you could take on Kingpin and win? You're nothing but a fool, Niggative?

But Mr. Negative refused to back down, his resolve unshaken even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Mr.Negative: You underestimate me, Bullseye I may have been betrayed, but I will not be defeated. Kingpin will pay for his treachery mark my words.

With each passing moment, the intensity of the battle only grew, the air thick with the smell of gun smoke and the sound of shouts and screams. But amidst the chaos, one thing was certain neither side would relent until the other lay broken at their feet. And as Mr. Negative and his men fought for their very survival, they knew that the fate of Hell's Kitchen hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of oblivion.

With a sickening thud, Mr. Negative stumbled forward, his hand flying to his head as blood trickled from a wound on his forehead. Shock and disbelief filled his eyes as he turned to face his assailant, his gaze locking with Kingpin's cold, remorseless stare.

Kingpin: You thought you could defy me and live?

Kingpin sneered, his voice dripping with contempt as he leveled his gun at Mr. Negative's head.

Kingpin: ou're nothing but a pest, a nuisance that needs to be eradicated.

As Mr. Negative struggled to maintain his footing, his mind raced with a jumble of thoughts and emotions. Betrayal, anger, and despair mingled together as he faced his own mortality, his powers of darkness flickering and fading as the life drained from his body.

With a final, defiant glare, Mr. Negative whispered a vow of revenge, his voice barely a whisper amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

Mr.Negative: You...will pay...for this...

But before he could utter another word, Kingpin pulled the trigger, the gunshot echoing through the base like a death knell. And as Mr. Negative's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, a chill settled over the battlefield, a grim reminder of the high price of defiance in the criminal underworld of Hell's Kitchen.


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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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