31 - His POV

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Jimin pov


I screamed as soon as I entered the practice room after coming from her office.

I kicked the speaker that was next to me in the practice room which only hurt my ankle but that didn't stop me from kicking the desk next where the monitor was kept.

"Jimin! What are you doing?" I heard Jin hyung from somewhere but that seemed to be too far that I ignored it, however when I was about to kick the mirror next, I was pulled back by a hand that wrapped around my waist.

"Jimin! The fuck is wrong with you? What happened?" I heard Jin hyung from right behind me now as I was panting hard for breath.

"I fucked up! I fucked up my own happiness! All because of my stupid decisions, my own assumptions!" I yelled, breathing hard.

"What did you do?" he asked, his voice softer now as he turned me around and faced me.

"I- I hurt her hyung," I said and a sob finally ripped through me, "I am an idiot, I hurt the woman I like- and she- she hates me now," I sobbed, hugging him and hiding my face in his neck, "and it's all my fault."

"Let it all out, Jimin-ah," he sighed, caressing my back softly.

I did, I cried and cried until my throat dried out and no more tears came.

"Now," Jin hyung pulled away, "tell me what happened? What got our Jiminie crying like this?" he asked, softly combing his fingers through my hair and pulling the hair back from my forehead.

And I told him everything that happened from that beach house to now, how I started talking to Hyejin noona as Jiho from my secret instagram account to now, her finding it out while me and Ggukie were talking. I also told him about confessing to her and her ex-girlfriend coming back last week.

"Well... you made a mistake, she trusted you and you betrayed her, I can't say anything about that, but if you want you could go and talk to her after she calms down a bit and apologise to her and make her believe that you really do feel guilty and would never break her trust again."

"But- but she told me it's over, she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore," I said, sobbing. "People say a lot of things they don't mean in anger, Jimin-ah, you know that more than anyone else, what if she didn't actually mean it? It's better if you both have a talk once both of you have calmed down."

I slowly nodded, understanding only half of it as my mind was a mess.

"Now, let's go home, shall we?" he asked, I shook my head, "I wanna dance for some time," I mumbled. "No, Jimin-ah, in this state if you start dancing you won't stop," hyung said.

"N-no, I will come home in an hour," I tried, "you won't, Jiminie, I know you and none of our members are here in the building other than us now, all are home, so I can't have anyone to check on you either, come home," he said and wrapped his fingers around my wrist dragging me to a corner where I kept my bag he picked it up with his bag and left the room, dragging me with him.

I gave up and let him drag me to the car that was waiting for Jin hyung. I laid my head on his shoulder throughout the ride, my mind felt like it was filled with thoughts but blank at the same time.

"Have something to eat and you can go to the mirror room and dance for some time, okay?" Jin hyung said as we entered the dorm.

The mirror was built for us to practise when we are home, we don't mostly use it as we all collectively agreed on avoiding work when we are home but sometimes it does help to release stress for me.

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