chapter 8

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Selene squeezed her way past people. Her friends chose the absolute hardest seats to get to for the first tournament. She glanced down at the arena. Boulders and smaller stones were scattered everywhere. They still haven't announced what the first challenge will be, and Selene had no guesses.

She finally reached her friends and glanced at the people in the row behind them. Directly behind Selenes stood Nott; beside him was Daphne Greengrass; and then beside her were Pansy and the rest of the Slytherin group.

"Why would you choose to sit here?" She asked Cas, not caring if the Slytherins behind her heard.

Cas held up her hands in defense. "We were here first; they chose to sit near us."

"Trust me, Selene, we don't want to sit here either," Daphne said, her body practically pressed against Theodore. Selene found her eyes lingering on the contact of their bodies and tore her eyes away, turning around.

"Then fucking move," Selene spat.

"Woah there," Cas said rubbing Selene's arm. "What has got your pants in a twist?"

"I'm just sick of them."

"Your pants or the Slytherins?" Cas asked, then, catching sight of Selene's face, let her smile drop and asked, "Are you sure?"

"What else would it be?"

Cas glanced behind Selene at Nott and said, "That's what I'm trying to figure out. But you seriously need to calm down."

"Dragons?" Annie yelled. "I want a dragon."

Selene raised her eyebrows at her statement as a particularly loud roar shook the stands. Fire shot threw the air, and Cedric dove behind a bolder. Cedric Diggory was down below, battling a dragon. Its tail whipped, slamming into a rock that cracked from the force. Cas and Selene slowly turned to look at Annie.

"He's cute." She smiled and shrugged.

"I need to stop trying to understand this girl," Cas said, shaking her head.

"Hey Selene," Daphne laughed. "Nice bow."

Selene reached back and against her will self-consciously touched the ribbon she had tied into a bow to keep the front sections of her hair pulled together at the back of her head. "What, are they sitcom bullies?" Selene whispered to Cas.

"Calme," Cas whispered in a horrible French accent, keeping her eyes on the dragon who was now fighting Fleur.

"Je suis calme."

Cas briefly glanced at her and said, "Since when did you know French?"

"Since when do you?"

"Please, what I said was barely French."

"So was what I said. I pronounced all the important parts wrong."

"See, I didn't even realize there were important parts." She paused for a second, a smile tugging on the corners of her lips. "And this girl from Beauxbaton has been teaching me some French."

"Why am I just now hearing about this?" Annie cut in, leaning over to hear, her face indignant.

"Because it's not a big deal," Cas said, unable to hide her smile anymore.

"That's not what that smile says," Annie giggled, poking her friend.

"We are going to miss the entire tournament. We'll talk after."

"Oh, do you two want to meet in the kitchens after curfew like we did last year tonight?" Annie asked, eyes wide.

"Yes!" Cas and Selene agreed.

all too well - Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now