Chapter 1

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"I always felt connected to nature especially flowers"

The Paladins just got from a mission and got to the main room to talk about another mission these weeks have been really busy with the war right after a mission comes another and another nog even a single decent 8 hour sleep not even a single hour of rest the Paladins stood around a table Shiro planning the next mission while Hunk just stood there half asleep "Shiro" Allura called walking to the table Shiro looked at her "Yes Allura?" Shiro asked

"The Paladins are tired as i can see maybe we should take a rest?" Allura suggested Shiro looked at the Paladins "Yeah i agree with Allura Hunk's half asleep" Lance chuckeld "But we still have a mission to plan what if they attack while we're doing who knows what?" Keith disagreed just wanting to fight the Galra empire and get this war over with "Keith Allura has a pretty good idea i think you too need a rest" Shiro suggested "I'll go play my vidoe game then Bye!" Pidge walked out the room skipping

"Lance do you wanna train with me?" Keith asked looking at Lance "No you shouldn't spent your time training thats boring!" Lance complained he felt a tingly feeling while looking at Keith "Alright" Keith walked out the room with that Lance just looked at the door after Keith left he felt upset that Keith left but also felt happy that he talked to him he snapped out his thought and looked at Hunk who was half asleep probably gonna fall asleep soon "Hunk! Come" Lance exclaimed Hunk yawned and followed Lance out the room they walked through the hallway and they got to the bedrooms "You should go to sleep" Lance suggested as he stood infront of Hunk's room "Yeah thanks Lance" Hunk walked in his room and sat down on his bed

Lance smiled and walked to his own room he sat down on the chair by his desk he started up his game he picked up his controller and started playing the game he didn't really focus on the game which lead him to die a lot he got lost in the thought of Keith for some reason he placed his controller down and felt something rise up his throat he coughed and coughing turned into vomiting he threw up on his desk Lance had teary eyes as he looked at the bloody flower petals and the blood around it "What the..." Lance spoke under his breath the blood dripping down on his blue pants he stood up and walked to clean it up

He also got on new pants who likes blue pants with red stains on it? He sat down on his bed leaving his game on by the death screen saying "You died!" Lance grabed his phone from his pocket and searched up what it meant to throw up flower petals the only answer he got was Hanahaki

"Hanahaki a disease caused by one sided love it is a rare disease where the victim throws up flower petals the flower depends on the intrest their favorite flower if not cured it could lead to death at some point

The cure is 1. surgery 2. Love required from the intrest 2. Death"

Lance just stared at his phone his thoughts had unanswered questions Lance laid his phone down looking at his game then suddenly his door opent "Lance do you know where my jacket is?" Keith asked Lance looked at him and shook his head "No maybe the mises took it they like to steal things" Lance felt a fluffy feeling along with pain in his throat "Where can i find them?" Keith asked "I don't know" Lance replied "Alright" Keith walked out the room looking for the mises

Lance kept thinking about Keith while he laid down on his bed "Keith is pretty cool he looks hot in his sui- What no! What am i thinking? His Mullet isn't that bad it looks really good on him... Maybe i am inlove with him" Lance felt his face heat up thinking about Keith

His door then opent and Pidge walked in "Lance! You me battle now!" Pidge demanded referring to the game "You're on" Lance stood up instantly and walked to his desk Pidge has brought her laptop with her she sat down on Lance's bed while they played the game "Ha! Got you!" Pidge exclaimed as killed Lance "Aww i'll get you next time" Lance laughed "Yeah yeah i have been playing a lot more than you recently" Pidge exclaimed

"Thats logic You're playing on a laptop you can easily carry that around" Lance turned his chair it was a spinning chair because who doesn't like a spinny chair? "That's right and maybe you should get to my level i have looked up some hiden tricks in the game code so i already have a much larger change on winning these games" Pidge informed "Yeah yeah you're always looking in the game code" Lance complained then the alarms went off it wasn't the alarms they would have when the Galra empire is attacking but the alarms meaning it's dinner "Finally! I've been starving and i think Hunk's gonna make pizza" Pidge stood up with a smile "What if he has pineapple pizza?" Lance asked knowing Pidge hates pineapple on pizza she's Italian herself so it's really a good thing to prank her about

"What? No thats a discrage to Society how could anyone eat something like that just keep it with her normal pizza's" Pidge and Lance walked out the room "Remember when Hunk made a pizza out of chocolade?" Lance asked

"Yes..." Pidge calmly replied "You got so mad" Lance laughed they talked about pizza the whole way to the dining room when they got there they saw pizza's on the table "Lets go!" Pidge cheered as she sat down on her seat Keith was sitting on his seat and Lance sat down next to Keith "Thanks Hunk for this earth food?" Allura picked up a slice and placed it on her plate "Try it Allura i tried to make it taste as much as possible to the earth pizza's" Hunk smiled Allura took a bite out of here pizza "It's pretty good" She commented the rest also took a slice before Keith was gonna eat he stood up "Where are you going?" Shiro asked "Getting something" Keith replied as he walked out the room he came back with a bottle of ketchup he sat back down while the others were chatting and laughing Keith opent the bottle and poured it on the Pizza

Lance looked at Keith with a shocked look and silence was set in the room they were all looking at Keith "What?" Keith asked "The pizza... You don't put ketchup on pizza" Pidge informed with an upset look "But i always eat it like this and Shiro had no problem with it" Keith took a bite out of his pizza Lance laughed as Pidge and Keith started arguing about how Ketchup on Pizza is fine

"This is even worse than the time i made chocolade pizza" Hunk commented Lance looked at Keith who was arguing with Pidge

"This is not the way Paladins should act if Keith wants tomato sauce on his pizza thats fine" Allura exclaimed "He's not putting tomato sauce on the Pizza he's putting a discrage to the grave!" Pidge exclaimed out of frustration "It's not that bad!" Keith argued "It is!"

It took Pidge a moment to calm down but she just took a while pizza and walked out the room "Well that was... Interesting" Shiro commented Lance looked at Keith with a soft smile Keith saw Lance staring and looked at him "What are you looking at? Are you also gonna complain about the way i eat my pizza?" Keith asked Lance snapped out his thoughts "No! Do you man!" Lance replied loudly a red blush appearing across his cheeks "Are you sick?" Keith asked "my skills are sick indeed" Lance tried to joke it off and it gladly worked the others started talking again and Lance haven't even touched his pizza slice everyone else started to get out the room while Lance just sat there his head leaning to the palm of his head while he looked down at the plate

Shiro was the last to leave but first walked to Lance "Lance?" Shiro called Lance didn't respond he was just caught up in thoughts "Lance" Shiro called again in a more demanding tone Lance looked at Shiro snapping out his thoughts "Sorry yeah?" Lance asked "Are you alright you haven't aten" Shiro asked concerned "I'm fine i guess i'm just not hungry" Lance replied with an upset look looking back at the plate "Thats fine maybe you should get some rest you look tired" Shiro suggested and patted Lance on the back Lance felt a shark pain in his lungs he let out one simple cough he was indeed tired "Are you getting sick or something?" Shiro asked

"N-No maybe i'm just tired" Lance stood up emptying his plate "You should go to sleep then or atleast try" Shiro replied "Yeah"

Flowers? •Klance•Where stories live. Discover now