Chapter 4

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Hunk had walked back to the others after talking to Lance "Why did leave?" Allura asked "I dont know i think he's upset about something because he started crying when i said that everyone would be there for him" Hunk replied "Maybe it is his family?" Pidge suggested

"No Lance does seem like the person that would say some things about him family than just push poeple away" Shiro thought out loud "Maybe it was about the mission? What happened Keith?" Allura asked looking at Keith "I guess we asked the people first then started freeing the prisoners and oh Lance got hit by a sort shock from one of the Galra solders it looked like he couldn't even keep his balance but was trying maybe its just the Shock?" Keith informed

"Isn't he suppose to pass out from that?" Hunk asked looking at Pidge for correction "That's true maybe thats why he couldn't keep his balance" Pidge replied "I have a feeling that's not the thing maybe we should give him and time to feel free to explain himself other than try to find out" Shiro suggested and they did just as that continuing their day untill they would get a mission or a alarm something happened they couldn't just jump in for a fight it would be reckless Keith kept himself in the training deck for some hours till the night fell Hunk and Pidge were trying to make a time travel machine along with Coran Shiro and Allura were talking about some altean things and missions
Lance kept himself in his room all day not wanting to throw up again not wanting to get concerned looks from the team not wanting to see Keith just wanting to be alone right now he did want to give Keith a hug and hold him forever but thats not something you can do to your rival or someone you have to hate

Keith kept himself in the training room when he was about the start level 11 Shiro walked in the room "Hey Keith its late are you going to bed? You've been training for hours already" Shiro asked Keith looked at Shiro then at the clock it was indeed in the nighttime cycle "I completely forgot the time i'll go to bed" Keith changed his Bayard back to normal and placed it where it was suppose to be he and Shiro talked some and Keith walked to his room Shiro went into his own before Keith did walk in his room he looked at Lance's door it was next to him but decided to go walk in his room anyway he sat down on his bed and looked at the blade he still has sometimes he goes on mission with the blade of Marmora but not always since he's also the red Paladin cant be two hero's at once you know can't get too many pressure set on a single person and everyone accepted him being half-Galra it took Allura a while but Lance managed to convince her

The Paladins soonely fell asleep one by one only Lance just stayed up for some unknown reason

Lance laid in his bed looking at the ceiling wondering when the disease will go away even though it has been three days he hates it so much the shock also making it much worse than it was before instead of a small amount of petals like five or six we got as many as six flowers have and the worst is that Keith likes Roses these roses have thorns that could make it worse Lance's skin was a bit paler than usual because of the vomiting and the pain much worse Lance just laid there thoughts running around his head and barely moving not wanting to trigger any pain he watched the ceiling following the lines on the ceiling with his eyes imagining it were stories from one line another once choose making two different paths

Lance did that for an hour lost in thoughts for an hour when he finally got back to reality he sat up and felt pain in his chest it was like his lungs just stopped working Lance had a coughing fit and ended up coughing up some petals no thorns and no blood only red petals Lance sat on the edge of his bed holding the petals in his hand he stood up and laid them on the desk looking around he stopped looking at random placed when his eyes landed on the clock the castle had a daytime and nighttime cycle to not confuse poeple and know when to wake up and when to go to bed its really handy knowing the time Lance walked out his room and started walking to the kitchen he opent a cabin and tried reaching for a glass but even he couldn't get him before he would climb up the kitchen someone picked it up for him it was Keith

Flowers? •Klance•Where stories live. Discover now