Chapter 7

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In the hallway everyone was checking out different rooms untill they heard a scream from Keith Shiro took a step outside his room "Keith?" He called then saw Keith on the ground he didn't have any blood or something what happened? Shiro got on his knees by Keith and checked his pulse it was still beating he gave Keith a gently nudge "Keith!" He called wanting him to wake up

Hunk looked in the room it was empty only the purple lights giving affect to the room "Is he alright?" Hunk asked looking down at Keith "I think so it doesn't seem like he got hurt" Shiro checked Keith's face for any bruises but none "Maybe he just got scared and passed out" Lance chuckeld taking the situation as a joke but on the inside he is deeply concerned about Keith

"This is not the time to make a joke Lance" Shiro informed "I know" Lance replied with a smile looking at Keith then a note appeared next to Keith Shiro picked it up and read the words written on the paper out loud so everyone could hear it

"You guys survived long enough with opening any death doors i'll hae you go and Keith may start to act different :)

I'll be back soonely"

The sound of a door opening filled the room "Come we should get Keith checked out" Shiro picked Keith up and they walked to the Lions

"You have an interesting way of picking people up" Pidge looked at Keith Shiro was basically dragging Keith on his shoulder "Thanks?" Shiro replied Not sure if it was sarcistic or not

After half an hour everyone got in the ship they got Keith in an healing pod and they looked at the problem

"Looks like he has been somewhat poisened by a new sort of poison it causes poeple to act up as in anger but can be controlled and i think Keith will have no problem with it" Coran informed "So just light poison?" Shiro asked Coran nodded "Will he be alright? Will he attack us!?" Hunk asked worried for what is gonna happen "Keith probably just needs a moment to react" Pidge responded "When will he wake up?" Lance asked looking at Keith with a look of sadness

"Are you actually worried?" Pidge asked Lance looked at Pidge "Come on cant i ask a basic question?" Lance placed his hands on his hips "Alright he'll wake up in about two Vargas" Pidge replied meaning two hours

"What happened back there?" Allura asked

"It seemed like that alarm was all a trap to get us there but it didn't really do anything else than play a game with us" Shiro responded "That doesn't seem like a Galra move" Coran commented

"It indeed doesn't seem like that we dont know their name or what they want i hope we don't come across this again otherwise maybe we have to deal with two Villian instead of one" Shiro spoke up his voice with confidence and might

"I agree we should head to do our own things" Allura with that walked out the room "Hey Lets go build that time machine i think i got a solution for the problem" Pidge Hunk and Coran walked out the room exited Shiro looked at Lance

"Are you alright? You seem much more attracted to Keith than usual" Shiro asked Lance looked at Shiro "What? What do you mean?" Lance asked his heart beating fast "You have been alone with Keith much more him playing in your room and you two training together it is really giving a new start to you guys being friends but you seem a lot more bothered"

Lance thought about how to answer without worrying Shiro so he thought for a while "Lance?" Shiro called Lance back up at Shiro "Sorry what was the question? I forgot" Lance asked he actually just forgot what Shiro had said "You seem bothered what's wrong?" Shiro shorten down the whole explanation into a simple question "I'm fine Shiro" Lance smiled he felt his eyes starting to tear up "Huh i guess the place hasn't been cleaned for a while space dust you know" Lance laughed as he whipped off the tears keeping the rest in "Hey" Shiro started as he placed his hand on Lance's back "cry if you feel like it you're a person not a robot"

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