Chapter 3

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At diner everyone was just talking Lance ate his space goo and talked to the others for some reason eating just felt disgusting to him with the feeling that he was gonna throw up any moment he just kept quiet for a while looking at the table "Lance are you alright?" Hunk asked looking at the boy next to him Lance kept thinking about what would have happened if he didn't come to eat breakfast what would happen if he just didn't exist the universe maybe never even liked him just giving him a rare disease noone even thought was real cus of how a small amount of poeple have it like 1 in a billion maybe

"Lance?" Hunk tapped Lance's shoulder Lance snapped out his thought and looked at Hunk "Yeah?" He replied looking at Hunk "Are you alright?" Hunk asked Lance kept quiet for a moment "Yeah don't worry Hunk i'm fine" Lance replied with a reassuring smile "You sure you zoomed out for a minute?" Hunk asked and chuckeld "Yeah i'm fine" Lance assured

"Alright now that everyone has aten and hopefully a good sleep we should get back to the mission Coran just told me that the Galra empire have infaded another planet we need to free the people" Shiro stood up from his place as he spoke "What are we gonna do about that? They keep taking over planets like its theirs Voltron cant be able to be at million places at once" Pidge asked knowing the Gara empire has also infaded some other planets "I suppose we have to do it from one to another" Shiro suggested

"But all the planets need Voltron what if we don't make it in time?" Keith asked standing up "I suppose if you think that we could try to split up into teams of two" Shiro suggested

"Voltron has five Paladins?" Hunk questioned knowing on needs to alone then "One team of two and one team of Three simple as that" Coran suggested

"Yeah how about Me, Hunk and Pidge take a planet that has more Galra solders and Lance and Keith tae the other since i suppose that planet was full of fire right?" Shiro looked at Coran for an answer "Yes the planet you want Keith and Lance to go to has fire all around they would be the perfect duo to go there the red lion can stand hot tempratures and the Blue lion can blush out the fire" Coran answered with some information

"What we have to take on the heavier empire?" Hunk panicked "Yes but dont worry Pidge's lion's power could give us a larger change of winning the battle and our lions also have some special abilities" Shiro replied wanting Hunk to calm down Lance didn't concentrate at all he just kept sitting down looking at the empty bowl infront of him he felt like he was gonna throw up with a wae of sadness crashing over him he then felt a hand on his back he didn't even notice himself he was so caught up on the thoughts that he forgot about reality he just thought about Keith what happened if he confessed would it be like what happened in the dream? "Lance come on" Keith patted Lance's back Lance snapped out his thoughts and looked round the rest of the team was gone only Keith and Lance standing in the room

"What?" Lance asked oblivious to what they had to do "You didn't listen to Shiro did you?" Keith asked as he removed his hand from Lance's back "No? What happened?" Lance asked "We are going to a mission Shiro Hunk and Pidge going to a planet and us to a planet" Keith tried to explain in the shortest sentence possible "Just the two of us?" Lance asked as looked upset at Keith "I also don't want this but lets get it over with" Keith muttered Lance stood up and the two walked out the room they walked in silence Keith looked into Lance's eyes and saw the sadness it looked like Lance was gonna cry "Are you alright?" Keith asked Lance looked up at him and whipped his teary eyes "Yup! just some space dust maybe" Lance laughed

"Do... Do you need a hug?" Keith offered as he stood still Lance looked at Keith his face heating up "No thanks Keith" Lance turned around and walked in the blue lion's chamber Keith let out a deep breath but did the same Lance and Keith had to go in a portal Allura created and they saw the planet it was pretty bright "Are you sure that is safe?" Lance asked "It's just a bit hot and lots of fire we only need to get the Galra out of there"

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