Chapter 6

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While Keith played Minecraft getting lost in the game Lance fell asleep he basically cried himself to sleep and his dream didn't really help

Everyone was in the main room standing around a table Shiro looked pissed off "Lance, how many times do i have to tell you!? Dont make mistakes on missions because of your last little oopsy we almost lost Keith he had to fight off those Galra's on himself while you stood there doing who knows what!" Shiro scolded anger in his eyes "I didn't mean to i swear" Lance responded
"Ofcourse you didn't mean to you never do anything wrong this is getting messy even for me" Pidge exclaimed

"Paladins i think the best is to set Lance off of the team and find a new Paladin for blue" Allura suggested Lance then had tears running down his face his vision had gotten blurry because of that the team kept complaining about Lance's work he had done as a Paladin work that could barely even be called work he's done nothing but flirt get hurt and make everyone worry till they no longer care

The moment changed to where Lance was hanging on a cliff Lance just kept holding on "Keith!" He called his jet packs were offline he saw Keith standing on the Cliff "Keith please!" Lance begged his vision was still blurry he kept crying even though it difnt feel real "I love you!" Lance confessed "I would never like someone like you get those thoughts away" Keith pushed Lance off the cliff

Lance woke up by his name being called he slowly opent his eyes and saw Keith "Lance" He called "Mh..." Lance sat up whipping the tears away "Were you crying in your sleep?" Keith asked "I-... No?" Lance answered "Come it's time for dinner i'm sure you're hungry" Keith smiled softly Lance's heart started beating really fast getting lost into Keith's eyes "You're getting red again?" Keith touched Lance's cheek it was pretty warm "You really have a fever come Lets eat something"

"No i'm not hungry Keith" Lance responded "What? You haven't aten get off your ass and eat something" Keith forced Lance to get off of his bed he grabbed Lance by the arm and walked out the room walking in the hallways Lance kept complaining "I dont want tooo!" Lance whined "I dont care You're not allergic to food" Keith opent the door to the dining room and heard everyone talking "There you guys are what were you doing? Kissing in Lance's room?" Pidge laughed meaning it as a joke Lance didn't really respond he didn't hear the question he looked down at Keith's hand "No thats weird i would never kiss Lance its gross" Keith walked to the table dragging Lance along when he looked at Lance he let go off of his arm and they both sat down at the table

The others talked while Lance sat there in silence hating the pain from the Hanahaki even though he wasn't throwing up he felt pain in his lungs he looked down at the plate full of spaghetti he sat there poking it a bit with his fork he didn't feel like the need of eating he felt disgusted by eating its not because of Hunk's amazing spaghetti but just of the vomiting he felt like was gonna Vomit once he ate it he leaned back to his chair he felt tired still so he just fell asleep right on the spot his fork falling out his hand on the floor

"Did Lance just fall asleep?" Hunk asked as he saved his hand infront of Lance's face Pidge looked at Lance "Most definitely" She replied "He didn't even eat his spaghetti" Hunk frowned

"He's sick probably a fever or something" Keith touched Lance's cheek it was pretty warm much warmer than it should be "Oh what makes you think that?" Allura asked not really knowing what a fever is but assuming its some kind of sickness

"He's really warm and vomited earlier" Keith responded as he removed his hand from Lance's cheek "Isn't his stomache empty then? Come on he needs to eat he hasn't aten today" Hunk commented and gave Lance a gently nudge for Lance to wake up he looked pale but his skin was burning hot a pretty weird duo but it didn't look healthy

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