CH 17

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Shouto looked away.

His eyes glanced from one spot to another.

He was nervous.

Any spot would do.

He could practically feel the gaze that was directed towards him.

And he didn't like how the said gaze felt.

It felt as if he had done something wrong, which he believes he never did.

It was quiet, a bit too much for his liking.

That's strange.

He gave up internally and allowed his eyes to connect with hers.

"Sorry." Izumi muttered slightly.

She was lost in thought as she lightly bandaged Shouto's wrist.

"Hm." Shouto nodded.

What she was doing at the moment was the result of her getting startled.

She hadn't thought that one's eyes would startle her.

And because of such, her grip on his arm tightened up.

Her cheeks flushed slightly.

She had just embarrassed herself, as she would say, but she was glad it didn't bother her as much.

To her, it either means that she has gotten much more comfortable around Shouto or her thoughts are troubling her more so than she thought.

I'll rather go with the former.

Shouto gazed at Izumi.

She had gotten up to put things away.

Seeing as she had calm down, he asked the question he had in mind for a while.

"Are you ok?" He tilted his head.

Izumi nodded.

She opened her mouth to speak.

She paused.

"It's not really important."

She bit her lips a bit.

What was troubling her really wasn't important.

It was a question which had a very obvious answer to it.

But sadly, with how she was, it seemed as if the obvious answer was not something she wanted.

She quickly turned her back to Shouto.

She then aggressively shook her head.

The action surprised Shouto a bit.

It startled him for how suddenly it was acted.

" 'm ok. What happened?" He nodded.

She seemed troubled the whole day so he was glad she even started talking.

He had not realized that though.

"It's just a simple question really." Izumi started.

Shouto nodded.

Izumi sighed a bit when she saw the nod.

"Do you think I should do Sport Festival?" She asked nervously.

"Yes." Shouto answered.

Izumi looked a bit surprised before pouting.

"Why are you responding so fast? You need to think about it some more." She crossed her arms.

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