The cult of the immortal eye

380 7 17

TW! Blood, death, cannibalism, cult actions
(Also side note-Espio is genderfluid)

—————— pov

Sonic bounded over fallen trees and rocks and skidded to a halt at the edge of a river.

I slid down off him and my boots hit the soft earth.
I stared out into the woods and then let out a high pitch whistle.

It echoed for a moment but then a short and choppy whistle answered back.
Then a form emerged from the darkness of the forest and stood in the light of the moon on the other side of the river.

A slender purple chameleon with sharp yellow eyes, who wore a black poncho and black pants with gold bangles on his wrists and ankles and gold bands around his neck and around his horn.

"You two are back, what took you so long?" He asked.

"Just got sidetracked Espio." I said with a calm smile.

They sighed and kicked a large board and a bridge fell over onto the other side.
I nodded and walked across, Sonic nervously following me across.
I knew he was afraid of deep water but this was the only way to hide our home.

Espio watched our every move.
"You know, I always say it but you two make a strange duo." She sighed, using a rope pulley contraption to pull the bridge back up.

"Thank you, we take pride in that." I giggled, petting Sonic as he rubbed his face into my side.

We started walking and Espio followed behind us.
"Vanilla got hungry today. She tried to eat one of our new members, so Rouge had to take from your stockpile." He reported.

I sighed, knowing Vanilla would feel extremely guilty about the case but I'd tell her it's alright.
"That's alright I wasn't planning on eating too much anyways soon." I hummed.

Sonic whined and nudged me with snout.
"Sonic, I'll eat, don't worry." I sighed.

Soon moonlight wasn't the only thing lighting the woods.
Lanterns that only came closer with each step lit the forest path. We came up upon a warmly lit village where people ran around and talked and few children ran about.

"Sonic and Shadow are back!" Called a cream bunny who jumped up from a barrel that a white bat and a pink hedgehog were carrying.

"Cream, wait!" Said the bat, setting down her end of the barrel and the hedgehog carried it like it weighed nothing.

"Hello Cream dear, how is your mother?" I asked, kneeling down to her level.

Cream was one of the rare children here in our little town, seeing as she was brought in with her mother from the cult.

"Mama's okay but she's been feeling real bad today..." Sighed Cream.

"It's quite alright Cream, your mother was just hungry and I'm sure they got her under control."

Me, Vanilla, and Cream were all raised in the same cult so we had our cannibalistic tendencies. Cream was more controlled however since she was still young and not as exposed to consumption of Mobian flesh and blood. I was also more controlled from years of training after I ran away.
Vanilla tries her best but she was an adult and the urges only get worse as you get older if you haven't learned to control them.

"Hey! Shadow, Sonic! We were just waiting for you guys to arrive! Everything is ready for dinner!" Said an orange fox with a brand on his neck and wrist, Tails.

"Good because tonight we feast like the triumphant royalty we all are! We have just killed a king known enemy of many of our people here and I'd like to make a speech." I chuckled. "Come on, Sonic."

🖤💙The werehog and the red hood❤️🖤 (Sonic x Shadow) (Sonic au)Where stories live. Discover now