it is not self-seeking

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*CONTENT WARNING: reference to rape, SA*

Love liberates, ego holds.

Midnight high as fuck,

Wishing the pain would stop.

Took some hits,

All drugged up.

Barely audible, unable to say no.

They called me love as I feebly fought to flee.

Already pounding head hitting the windowsill,

Only there to satiate greed.

"You're the only one I need."

Sounds simple enough.

Low maintenance, free.

Pressure to be everything all the while neglecting me.

Yet what is the point?

Now healthy and clean,

I ponder the meaning.

In many ways love is self-seeking.

Now of the mindset,

If you don't add

Why waste resources?

Ghosted until you're lonely,

Loved conditionally with boundaries,

Thought I was sexy at a party,

Relishing benefits of money.

Value added but sacrifice required.

Where's the line?

Between selfish and self-harm?

Unwilling to lose myself another time.

Ego holds in the dark.

Forcing frozen serfdom,

Suffocating growth, maximizing exploitation.

Love stretches tired wings.

Benefits from the freedom,

Euphoric at exploration.

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