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The Radio Demon needed a distraction so he tried to sleep. Closest to death he'd get to today.

As he closed his eyes, darkness enveloped him, and he was transported to a desolate, shadow-filled landscape. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by whispers that seemed to echo through the void.

Suddenly, before him stood the figures of Lucifer and Mabel, their forms ghostly and ethereal. Their eyes glowed with accusation, and their voices carried an otherworldly weight. Alastor's heart sank as he recognized them, for they were the very souls he had lost.

"Why, Alastor?" Lucifer's voice resonated with a mix of sadness and fury. "You were supposed to protect us, to stand by our side. Yet, you failed us."

Alastor's mother, her voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and disappointment, added, "I trusted you, my dear child. But you couldn't save us from our fates. You let us down."

Alastor's mind raced, his guilt weighing heavily upon him. He desperately tried to find words to defend himself, to explain the circumstances that led to their demise. But his voice was choked, and the words failed to escape his lips.

The haunting figures drew closer, their accusatory gazes piercing through his very soul. Every step they took seemed to amplify the burden of guilt he carried. Alastor's heart pounded in his chest, his breaths shallow and ragged.

"You were our hope, Alastor," Lucifer whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of pain and resentment. "But your actions, or lack thereof, led to our undoing. How can you live with yourself?"

Tears welled up in Alastor's eyes as he struggled to make sense of his own failures. The weight of their accusations pressed down upon him, threatening to crush his spirit.

Alastor's body jolted upright, propelled by a surge of emotions that had awakened him from his slumber. It was an unfamiliar sensation, as throughout both his earthly existence and his ethereal afterlife, tears had never escaped his eyes, only once as he witnessed the slaughter of his mother.

However, on this today, a torrent of emotions overwhelmed him, and he found himself shedding tears for the countless moments he had missed. In the solitude of his room, Alastor wept with an intensity that surpassed anything he had ever experienced before.

His anguish was so profound that crimson droplets began to trickle down his cheeks, mingling with his tears, as if the very essence of his pain had transformed into blood. Each tear that stained his face served as a poignant reminder of the depths of his sorrow and a testament to the magnitude of his regret.


The archangels walked uneasily into their Father's throne room. Lucifer was scared what would his father say he had already rejected his ideas many a times. But he had to do this so he pushed open the doors and was greeted with heavenly light.

Lucifer spoke first.

"Father, I come seeking permission to return to Hell again. My daughter and ...partner are in need of comfort."

His father raised an eyebrow. He had known of his daughter but was still not enlightened of his partners identity. "This partner, is it Lilith I understand you lay with last?"

Lucifer shifted uncomfortably. "No, Father. His name is Alastor, a demon I've grown...fond of during my time in Hell."

Now both eyebrows rose in surprise. "A male demon? And not just any, but Alastor, the Radio Demon? My son, you know such unions were not meant to be."

Raphael laid a gentle hand on Lucifer's shoulder. "Love works in strange ways, Father. All Lucifer wishes is to ease there pain. Plus you can't be mad at him for his sexuality, we all know St. Peter is 10000x fruiter."

God sighed wearily. "I still cannot condone relationships between our kind and Hell's, you know this."

Gabriel stepped forward a little "you know other, the demons are not that different from us. They can be redeemed we have proof now. Sir Pentious has risen for its depths and so has Luci. There is really no need for extermination anymore"

And at this your father's eyes really widened. "Extermination you're telling me that angels of my hosts go down and kill the demonic species."

Now it was their turn to be surprised. The high seraphims never told him. He never approved of this idea.

Lucifer explained the sinister plan the Seraphim had devised, to periodically destroy souls in Hell through violent means. God listened with growing dismay.

"Such brutality was never my intent! Souls trapped in Hell we're meant to spend the eternity there." He said firmly.

Just then, Lucifer cried out, clutching his head as a vision invaded his mind - Alastor weeping tears of ichor, grieving painfully for his lost love. Lucifer's heart broke at the sight.

God laid a gentle hand on Lucifer's arm. "You him now through spirit. Comfort Alastor with a song of hope. I cannot let you return my son, and I cannot approve of you're realationship but if this would really make you happy then go forth."

Bowing gratefully, Lucifer closed his eyes and let his celestial song carry his essence down to Hell. There, held safely in spirit form, he hugged the sobbing Alastor and sang until the demon found solace once more and drifted off to sleep.

Maybe his father would not let him return to his home but he would find way matter what.

Lucifer and his brothers stepped out of the throne room.  " You really thought it would work didn't you, you haven learned a thing" Michael's voice echoed from on high as he flew above our heads.I ignored him. I saw his sword hanging out of his belt and it brought me back.

I remember handing onto a cliff and call for his help but instead he stuck his sword into the ground and looked me in the eyes. "Unworthy." Is all he said. His eyes burned bright with golden light. He swiftly removed his sword as the cliff crumbled and sent me to my final destination.

I couldn't stop to think about that.

I really had more important things I need to be doing now.

Thanks for all the votes everyone

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