Take One

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Amanda's POV

My first night in London was awful; the noise on the streets, the constant rambling happening next door, being away from my dog Finn, catching a slight fever was all too much.

I roll out of bed and throw on some jeans, combat boots, and a huge sweater and leave the house.

I was one of the last people once again to get to the set. Nobody was really bothered by it but I could tell Tom looked annoyed.

"Amanda, are you alright? You look extremely pale, well more pale than usual," Anne asks.

"Don't worry about it! Just a little cold and homesick!"

"Alright then my daughter, take care!" Anne jokes.

The first scene I was shooting today was the "love at first sight" scene with Eddie and Hugh. This was a huge relief because I haven't taken many voice lessons yet and I have no confidence in my singing at all. Luckily this involved nothing but love as Tom said it.

The dress i'm wearing is stunning but it weighed nearly 20 pounds. As the day dragged on, I could feel the weight just getting heavier and heavier....

Eddie's POV

After about 5 practice scenes, it was finally time for the real deal.



I walk towards the crowd and spot Amanda and Hugh, with Amanda clinging onto his arm. She looks awfully gorgeous in the long intricate dress and her eyes begin to sparkle as I glance back at her. I guess I've never noticed how loving and intense her eyes were.

As I make my way through the crowd, I see Amanda fall backwards suddenly and rush towards her.

Amanda's POV

I opened my eyes, blinded by the lights and with Hugh and Russell holding me. Not a bad first day! But start to realize how severe things were.

I attempt to stand up but immediately fall backwards but Eddie catches me this time.

"What just happened?" I ask.

"You fainted under the heat and Annie said you didn't look so well this morning either."

"Plus you have a mild concussion from the fall but you should only experience a few headaches and maybe nausea. " Hugh adds.

"You better get some rest," Tom suggests telling me to go home and come back tomorrow if I'm feeling better.

"I can drive Amanda home if that's alright. There's no way she'll be able to get home in one piece."

I look up to see Eddie scooping me up into his arms. His hands are warm around my weak body and i feel his soft breath lingering on my neck.

He drives very slowly until we reach my rental house. He picks me up once again as we enter the home and lays me onto the coach.

Eddie's POV

"You sure are light as a pillow Amanda!"

She laughs and pats the spot beside her. I walk towards her and sit down. My girlfriend Hannah was still recovering in the hospital so I had some time to kill.

"Lets play 20 questions! I want to get to know my future husband some more." Amanda winks.

"Okay let me start. What is your favorite movie?"

We continue on for several hours until I wake up with something soft resting on my lap. I guess Amanda and I fell asleep while playing our game. I gently caress her hair out of her face and begin to carry her to her room.

As I creep up the stairs my phone goes off startling her awake. But falls asleep once again after I silence my phone.

"Hey, I'm feeling much better! Let me know if you want to hang out tonight babe!" Hannah says in the voice message.

I cheerfully call her back and as I'm setting Amanda down, a part of me realizes how much I really just want to lay down next to her...

Vanishing that thought, I rush out of the house and leave for the hospital.

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