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Amanda's POV

We had just about 5 more scenes to shoot until filming was completely finished and one of them was Empty Chairs at Empty Tables. We had an intense and long day of filming and I was on my way to leave when I spot Eddie freaking out in a corner. I set down my stuff and walk over to him.

"Are you alright?" I ask patting his back.

"Not exactly, I'm exhausted and I can't get this scene right! This is our 15th shot. I don't know if I can do this."

"You'll get there Eddie! You are so talented, don't worry about it! I'll wait if you want."

"It's fine Amanda, I'll be okay. This might take another hour or so and it's late. You should get going now."

"Alright, good luck then!" I say hugging him. "You got this!"

I walk around the corner and wait for a second to make sure he's back in scene. I casually sneak back behind the film crew and take a seat.

"There's a grief that can't be spoken..." he sings and immediately stops.

"CUT, come on Eddie! You're almost there, finish up strong!"


He sighs and begins again. I see him tensing up and beginning to sweat when he glances right at me for a second and contines singing. Finally, he finishes the shot and everyone claps.

"That was great Eddie! The emotion you had throughout the scene was brilliant. Get yourself some rest and see you tomorrow!" Tom says.

"Alright, thanks Tom.!"

I quickly gather my stuff and attempt to leave when somebody grabs my sleeve.

"Hey watch it!" I yell.

"I told you to go home!"


Before I can say anything, he wraps his arms around me.

"Thank you for everything. I didn't think I could do it until I glanced up and saw you from the corner of my eye. You're the best."

"Oh I know," I chuckle.

"I'll see you tomorrow, make sure you watch Sam and I do a Little Fall of Rain!"

"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world. Just don't be all cuddly and cute with her too much," I pout.

"Nothing more than a kiss on her head and some hand holding! You're almost as bad as Hannah!"

"Not even....Bye Eddie!" I say walking away.

The next day I get on set and Eddie and Sam are already together flirting.

"Hey guys!" I say approaching them.

"Hi Amanda!" they yell at the same time.

"You owe me a soda Eddie!"

"Not even Sammie, you owe ME!"

"Oh, Sammie huh? Cute..." I mumble to myself.

They begin shooting and I can't help but feel jealous. They're holding hands, Sam is leaning on Eddie as he embraces her, and their singing is just perfect. Eddie kisses her head and the scene is over.

"Okay, and you guys are good! Nice job, that was quick. Don't let Amanda know about this!" Tom says laughing.

They both stare at each other for a second and begin laughing.

"Can we try that again? Just one more time?" Sam asks.

"Okay just once more then."

The scene begins once again, exactly the same except when Sam leans her face towards Eddie, she brushes her lips against his and I feel my face burning with anger and rush out before they finish.

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