'A Party Request.'

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Poob jumped up and down, blowing their party horn as Pest sighed beside them.

"You really never stop partying, do you?" Pest hissed under his breath. "No wonder you always ramble about them."

Poob looked the least injured, infact, more into talking to Pest. Pest consequently fell into a deeper pit of conversation from Poob.

"so that party i am gunna hav 2night is gunna be awezom! you really should come! almozt everyone will b ther!" Poob giggled, tapping their fingers against the rail to the elevator tunes.

Pest took a deep breath, rolling all his eyes. "それなら本当に他に選択肢はないと思います。" He murmured.

"i wil taek that az a yes!!!"

They grabbed Pest's hands, causing him to instinctively flinch back and slap Poob. He froze for a second, and then slowly inched back towards them.

"..Fine." he said at last, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

As the elevator slammed to a stop, they were already at Poob's apartment. How, Pest thought, am I even still friends with this nuisance? I could just abandon them here, right now, and go back to my job. But, I can't quite bring myself to do that . . .

Poob glanced at Pest, halfway out of the door. "r u coming???" Poob asked quizzingly, tilting their head to the side with concern.

"...Yes, be patient, I'm coming."

On his way out, we swore he saw something gleam in their eyes. Fear? Malice? Anxiety? Guilt? ..a sign of regret?.. Pest shook his head. Poob was not the type of person to have such a shady background.

But he swore to himself- at least, if he wasn't insane- that he saw a grinning rock with three eyes reflected in their eyes while they walked into the party-packed building.

Pest unwillingly shot down a prick of cold sweat as he hurried up to Poob.


Just a little teaser for what I'm working on!! Chapters will be much longer than this....

poob what phucking deals did you make with the devil /j

^ I hope I'm joking at least ;)...

For the Masked Partier - Regretevator AU ...Where stories live. Discover now