'Just an Anxiety Thing.'

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Chapter One.

Pest sat at the table, looking at the rather crowded room. Everyone was here- Poob wasn't lying when they said that everyone would be here ... even Unpleasant was lurking in the corner.

Mark and Wallter, unironically, were fighting each other in the back corner while Split (half accompanied by Bive) tried to break them apart. Pest chittered, crossing his legs.

How do people even stand relationships?, he thought sourly.

As if they were summoned by his thoughts, Poob skipped over, tripping over themselves and almost falling face flat. But Pest was  quick in thinking, swiftly reaching out and catching them before they hit the floor.

Poob had a small glimmer of fascination as they stood up, eyes shining like the meteor that hit the Happy Home. He flinched at the thought.

"oh!!!! thx pezt!! i would hav droppd my prezent 4u!!!"

They handed over a tiny box; it was dressed with a neatly tied ribbon, topped with a large glitter bow, a small star in the middle of it that shone brightly in the rather dim room The wrapping paper was dotted with little coins and occasionally a beetle or two. How cheesy, he thought as he gripped it tightly in his hands and observed it closely.

"i hope u like it! i made it myself!!!!"

Before he could reply, they were gone, lost in the ocean-like crowd. He snorted, shoving the present into his back pocket a bit aggressively. He hadn't gotten much sleep lately, and this was not helping at all.

"GUYS!!! I THINK THIS HOUSE IS BEING STALKED I KNOW IT THERE'S A FUNNY AURA AROUND THIS AREA i dont think its safe here anymore we have to LEAVE. NOW" Bive suddenly announced. Everyone turned their head to stare blankly at her.


Then a ripple of laughter, followed by loud shushing and quiet giggling.

"Oh Bivey, there's nothing to be afraid of! You might just not be super a-peeled to this party!" Split elbowed her playfully, and Bive went oddly quiet, muttering something under her breath about safety.

Poob, however, looked hurt at the comment.

"but i tried so hard 2 p-pre-prepare for this parti...." they whined, party horn blowing weakly. Mark let go of Wallter mid-punch and hopped over to them to wrap his arm around them.

"It's alright, champ. She's jus' a bit crazy to th' head. I think yer party is the best ever hosted!" Mark chuckled, patting their head. Wallter looked annoyed, forcing a hard smile. Wallter snuck a glance at Mark, who was already locked in eye contact, smugly smiling. Wallter started forward, but Pest gave a quick shot towards him, causing her to stop.

"Say, why don' we have some fritters that Pest brought?" Mark changed the subject, nodding towards the plate that Pest brought.


He didn't bring those.

Why were they here?

He thought he'd left them at his place...

Pest shifted uncomfortably in his seat and grabbed the fritters in one hand, and the other hand up to his mandibles. "I would rather not.", he said, slightly frowning.

Poob looked annoyed- hell, even angry -as they sniffled before staring into nothingness.

"I was l00KinG t0w@rdS e4ting th0s3 th0Ugh 3:..." Infected commented, sneezing loudly.

Lampert, who was close to him, made an instant retreat into the other room without hesitating.

Poob frowned again, this time looking right into Pest's eyes. There was an unfamiliar look about them that made Pest shiver a bit.

He thought to his earlier suspects and sudden thoughts, grimacing.

I'm sure this is just an anxiety thing.


Slowly writing these longer and longer lol...forcing out motivation because I actually wanted to write this....

sorry lampert but ...

For the Masked Partier - Regretevator AU ...Where stories live. Discover now