' Forgiveness. ' (PT. 1)

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( WARRRNNINNNGGG: gaymenkissing and romance and swearingz OMG!!!!! yes, you were RIGHT if you guessed that they didnt die, ur righ!this is an angst story dlygd >:( hjjajaha . SHORT PART)

[ Mark. ]

Mark suddenly felt Wallter dragging him into the other room. He irritably grunted as they let him go, causing him to abruptly fall to the ground with a sudden and loud 'umph!'. He squinted, his vision adjusting from the fuzz.

Wallter was visibly towering over him like a redwood tree. He swore under his breath as Wallter espied questioningly at him. " You seem very premeditated to bicker infront of most others..."

He didn't meet his gaze, stiffening as he kept his eyes on the floor. They both stood there silent for a couple of minutes- the absence of the noise was deafening. You might have aswell heard the quietest protest of an ant skittering on the floor.

Wallter spoke up again.

" ...What has gotten into you lately? "

Mark stayed rooted on the ground, refusing to meet eye-to-eye with Wallter. He cocked his head to the side, awkwardly glancing sideways at the floor. He glued his eyes there- but they were quickly torn away when he felt something grab him and turn him back forward.

" Now, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about? " Wallter raised a brow curiously, dismissing the prior topic when they saw Mark as unresponsive.

Mark's mouth lay agape for a moment, struggling to get the words sifted outside of his mind and transformed into a verbal answer.

" I- jus' wanted to say I'm... sorry. " He at last admitted solemnly, dipping his face down at an angle. He felt slightly ashamed of himself of his belated actions, taking a deep inhale as their gaze bore into him.

"I got these for yer.."

He reached over to his side, opening a bag that he had been carrying for a while now. Lifting his arm out, Mark was now holding a rather elegant gift: soft, pampered cloud blue and fragrant flowers. They were wrapped in a glossy silk satin material bound together by a silver ribbon . He leisurely placed it into Wallter's grasp, retracting his hands back hastily as they accepted it. He didn't want to stay for too long, not wanting to make the situation more awkward than it already was.

Wallter examined the flowers for a second, taking a deep inhale of its sweet scent. They immediately recognized the awing florets as blue hydrangeas, their pupils dilating to look more serene as they fixated on the flowers, and then, to Mark's surprise, him.

"...Oh." They mused. The sweet scent was wafting and diffusing into the air like perfume, making a pleasurable aroma.

Mark gave a forced expression of remorse, though most of it was driven by his self-consciousness. He watched carefully as Wallter set aside the bouquet, and he frowned for a second.

The frown didn't last long, though.

Because of the size difference between Wallter and Mark, it was an easy task to pick up the latter. Mark seemed taken aback for a second from the pushed lift in height, but didn't have too much time to react, as Wallter brought him up to eye level.

" -err..." Mark managed to mutter slightly above a whisper, but they silenced him simultaneously as they gave a soft smile.

" It's a bit late, my exuberant acquaintance," Wallter started, earning a side-eye from the other, "but I appreciate your efforts very dearly."

They smiled, holding out a hand to help him up.

" ..oh, thanks. " Mark thanked them, taking his outstretched hand and pulling himself up.

The two stood there mutely yet nonchalantly, their eyes fixed into eachother like rigid scalpels. 

Mark finally decided to break the silence, clearing his throat.

" Do yer uh..like the..? " There was a small crack to his voice as he piped up, desperate to not keep the quiet that lingered, unsaid words waiting to drop like firecrackers.

" I...-"

"-...I do. " Wallter said hushedly, as though they didn't want anyone to hear. The southern-accented figure's eyes widened a bit at this, of both shock and relief. 

" I thought ye' might'v liked em back then. " He commented in a bittersweet tone, sighing.

Wallter looked down at him, crouching down to reach his level evenly. They gave him a soft smile, placing their large hand (in relation to Mark himself) on his shoulder, the flowers in the other.

" And I still do, perchance. " 

Mark's heart fluttered at their words, and he found himself cringing back from it in denial subconsciously. 

But something held him back.

Wallter wasn't letting their grasp falter, tugging him back over gently, yet with force.

" Hold on-"

The door went wide open, and they both immediately glared at the door to see who had stepped in.

Two people. 

" Mark??.. Wallter???.."

Mark and Wallter looked at eachother, then their position, then eachother again, both thinking the same thing.

How the fuck do we explain this?




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anyways I decided to split (buh dum tsss) this into 3 parts because I'm not writing fast AUGHHHHH ok but HEY ... 3 people said wsllmark kiss scene so I might 😁😁😁😁 ///

yay..explodes ///

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