[Angst/Comfort]Hikari x Partitio

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Main ship: Hikari x Partitio

This story includes all travelers comforting Hikari

Context: Hikari loses control of his bloodlust and attacks the other travelers


3rd POV

Hikari held his head in pain, his common sense and need for blood fighting against one another, the will for blood coming out on top. The other travelers looked at Hikari with worry and fear. Sure, it's their friend and they're worried for him, but they're also terrified of his strength. What are they going to do if they couldn't get their friend out of this bloodlust?

They kept blocking his attacks the best they could, Castii and Temenos healing everyone the best they could, defending themselves however they could and only using attacks to block Hikari's.

By the time they ran out of grapes and plums, Castii and Temenos were also out of SP, which meant they couldn't heal the others anymore.

Hikari attacked all of them, gravely injuring everyone.

Ochette had quite a few major cuts here and there, but it didn't render her immobile, at least.

Castii had a gash on her left arm and a few minor ones on her other.

Throne had a smaller gash on the side on her stomach and a gash on her arm, dangerously closer to her collarbone.

Osvald had three gashes, all on his arms, which definitely rendered his magic useless if it hurt him in the process.

Agnea had only a gash on her leg, which made her limp for the rest of the time being.

Temenos was shielding Agnea the best he could after she got injured and had a bunch of minor cuts and a gash on his arms.

But Partitio had it the worst with a huge gash in his right thigh and a cut on the left side of his stomach, resulting in everyone running to his side to aid him.

By the time they all sustained these injuries is when Hikari came back to his senses, though he felt lightheaded, and his vision was slightly blurred, and his hearing was a bit muffled. He saw the state Partitio was in, and it had dawned on him.

He did that.

In fact, he had injured all of his friends.

He dropped his sword and spear and booked for the forest, running as deep into it as he could, ignoring every monster that tried to ambush him so he could run further and further. Sweat and tears blurred his vision even further as he got even farther in.

Exhaustion hit him hard as he tripped and ended up in an enemy heavy area, with no weapons and no energy, he wasn't able to defend himself. He cursed to himself as he braced himself for the worst...


As soon as everyone was patched up, they looked to find their usually kind-hearted friend's weapons on the ground and the path he took looked disturbed. They realized he ran straight into the forest without his weapons at the dead of night. Despite their injuries, they took their weapons and started searching the forest.

They ran deeper and deeper, getting increasingly more worried the more monsters they ran into. They got worried when they saw blood, and when Ochette smelled it...

"...This is... Hikari's blood..."

They all shared worried looks as they ran further in and horrified by the sight in front of them.

Their friend was on the floor, breathing, but barely and a hoard of monsters surrounding him. They defeated all of them and made their way to their injured friend and carried him back to camp in a hurry, where all their extra medical supplies were(Since they didn't have any more grapes).

When they made it back to camp, they immediately laid Hikari down on a piece of cloth, gathering the medicine and bandages they needed to heal Hikari.

After they patched him up, they slept by his side until morning. When Hikari awoke, he was hit with an enormous amount of pain and a piercing headache, and then he saw the bandages all over his arms and legs and felt some on his face and neck as well.

He looked around to see his friends sleeping peacefully, fear striking him as he heard the voice of his boyfriend, Partitio.

"Hikari? You alright?"

Hikari's breathing sped up as he hastily got up and backed away from his friends, who he still felt guilty for hurting them.


"Hey, Hikari... are you alright?"

All of the other travelers seemed to have woken up and are looking worriedly at their friend, who seems to be shaking and breathing heavy. All of Hikari's thoughts were piling in his head, adding to the headache that was stabbing through his head.

Partitio approached him carefully, not wanting to startle him, and took him in a tight embrace, not letting go despite how much Hikari tried pushing him away with what little strength he had in him.

"I'm not letting you go. I don't want you to run into that forest again and come out injured like this again. We know about your bloodlust, so let us help you."

His words hit Hikari with an emotional wave of regret, the regret of not asking for help sooner, and cried into his chest softly, returning the hug given to him. His eyes got all red and puffy from crying and he felt exhaustion take over him again and fell asleep, Partitio picking him up to go sit back down where he was laying that morning, holding him close as everyone else plan on where to go next so they could stock up on supplies.

Hikari woke up again and looked up at Partitio, who was still holding Hikari close, and rested his head on Partitio's chest once again, feeling much better than the night before.


Have a good morning/day/night :)

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