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Lou Ziyu touched his chin and felt a little distressed for his colleague, Li Nan.

It should be a headache to have an artist who would cause trouble.

Fortunately, Lou Che didn't give him a headache...

In the past, if an actress dared to touch porcelain with Lou Che, pulled him into the CP, or used his hype, Lou Che's fans would curse her so much that she would have doubts about life in minutes.

Three years ago, the actress who first touched Lou Che was blown out of the entertainment circle by his fans and she disappeared in the crowd not long afterward.

This showed that Lou Che's more than 60 million fans had a strong fighting power.

After a lot of things like these, the actresses had all learned well. No matter how much Lou Che hyped, they stayed away.

Over the past three years, Lou Che's number of fans had grown several times and now there were more than 100 million fans.

This also meant that the fighting power of Lou Che's fans got more terrifying.

Lou Che's fans were jealous people.
They were jealous of anyone getting close to Luo Che, especially female artists.

If they felt that a female artist wasn't pleasing to the eyes, they would directly pull out the 18th generation of her ancestors and scold them.

Fanatic to desperate, obsessed with no regrets.

But they were completely loyal to Lou Che and they were never willing to say anything bad about him. Even if others said he was bad, they couldn't bear it at all.

This was Lou Che. He had a huge personal charm. His ability to absorb fans was so explosive that he could be regarded as the strongest on the surface of the earth. If human beings had been able to immigrate to the moon, he might still be the strongest on the moon.

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