She Says

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Charlotte's POV

It has been over a week since that amazing day with Officer Waraha. I was planning to go out with her before I leaver for the UK for a three-day Medical Conference but I realized I don't know how to contact her.

We enjoyed each other's company too much that we forgot to exchange numbers. I shook my head while smiling a little.

"What's that smile?"

Heid asked before putting the coffee cup on my table. I look up at her and just shook my head.


I said while still smiling. I went back to reading my presentation. I need to focus on this for now. I made a mental note to check her information before I leave so I can call her or something. I know it's not allowed but that's the only way I can call her.

"Please, Nurse Pang. Just this once."

I pleaded with the head nurse but she refused to give me Engfa's details.

"Dr. Austin! What's gotten into you. You know we're not allowed to give our patients details without their permission."

She said. I pouted at her. I would never do this if I have other means. I know that she's a police officer but I'm not about to go there and barge in to her work place just to ask her for her number.

Nurse Pang just looked at me and shook her head firmly. I sighed before walking away. I'll try again tomorrow.

I tried to plead with her for two days but she won't budge. I will be leaving for UK tomorrow and I still don't know how to contact that handsomely beautiful woman.

"Dr. Austin, can you come over here for a moment."

Dr. Nawat said while I was walking down the corridor. He is peeking from his office door. I nodded and went in. He motioned for me to sit and I obeyed. He leaned both his elbows on his table and clasped his hands infront of him.

"Are you ready for the presentation?"

He asked. I just nodded. I am more than ready. I can present the case even with my eyes closed by now.

"I think I am more than ready, Doctor."

I answered. He nodded and smiled at me before standing up to look out of the window.

"Your contribution in this department is really outstanding. I hope you don't get distracted by anything because I can see great potential in you."

He said. There's something in the way he said it that made me think about Nurse Pang. Did she tell him about me asking for Engfa's number?

"Thank you, sir. I will not disappoint you. I promise."

I said with pride. He looked at me and smiled softly before sitting back to his chair. He asked me about the case that I will be presenting and I discussed the details with him.

It's a breakthrough in our field and I take pride in being the very first surgeon to ever perform the complex operation.

He seems satisfied by my presentation because he did not ask any questions. He just told me to stay focused and let me go.

"Take the day off, so you can prepare for your flight tomorrow."

He said before I close the door behind me.

I immediately walked to the doctor's lounge and saw Heidi eating a sandwich while reading a book. I sat beside her and removed my hospital gown.

"Dr. Nawat said I can take the day off. So, I'm gonna head out now to pack."

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